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    1.prepare sth.

    (1)prepare sth.= get sth. ready,常常表示准备所需的时间较短,译为“准备某事”。例如:

    The teacher is preparing her lecture.这位教师正在备课。

    I can’t see you tonight,I shall be preparing my lesson.


    First prepare the rice by washing it,and then cook it in boiling water.先把米洗好,然后放到开水中。

    (2)prepare sth.= to put together or make by combining hings,表示准备所需的时间较长,译为“筹集、备齐(资料等)”。例如:

    The defence lawyers asked for another week to prepare heir case.被告律师要求再给一周的时间为案件备齐材料。

    Who prepared these building plans?


    2. prepare for sth.

    prepare for sth.=make preparations for sth.,常表示准备所需的时间较长,或为他人做准备工作,如演出前、考试前、手术前等所做的各种准备工作,译为“为……做准备”“使(某人)为……做准备”“为……准备”。例如:

    Will you help me prepare for the party?


    The students were preparing for the examination.


    I’m preparing a speech for the meeting on Thursday.


    The doctor prepared Mother for her operation.


    You must prepare for the future by finding a well-paid job.


    Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


    3. prepare sb.sth./prepare sth. for sb.

    prepare sb. sth./prepare sth. for sb.实际上是prepare带的双宾语,译为“为某人准备某物”。例如:

    His wife is preparing him a meal.

    = His wife is preparing a meal for him.


    We must prepare our guest a room.

    = We must prepare a room for our guest.


    4. prepare sb. to do sth.

    prepare sb. to do sth.= do sth. for sb,译为“为某人……做准备”。例如:

    The nurse is preparing the child to go to the hospital.


    This college prepares students to become interpreters.


    5. prepare to do sth.

    prepare to do sth.= be ready to do sth.,译为“准备做某事”。例如:

    They are busy preparing to go on holiday.


    Prepare to meet your fate.准备接受命运的挑战。

    6. prepare sth. for sth.

    prepare sth. for sth.= be ready for sth.,译为“为某事做准备”。例如:

    Please prepare the table for dinner.请摆好桌子准备吃饭。

    He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.


    7. prepare sb. for sth.

    prepare sb. for sth.= help sb. do sth.,译为“帮助/指导某人准备某事”。例如:

    The teachers are preparing pupils for an exam.


    The college prepares boys for the army.


    8. prepare sth. for sb./prepare sb.sth.

    prepare sth. for sb./prepare sb. sth.译为“为某人准备某物”“指导某人准备某物”。例如:

    We must prepare a room for our guest.


    He prepared pupils for an examination.


    9. prepare against sth.

    prepare against sth.= prepare to deal with sth.,译为“准备应付(意外不幸或不愉快的事件)”。例如:

    The sailors began to prepare against a rough night.


    History has taught us to be prepared against war.


    10.prepare oneself for sth.

    prepare oneself for sth.= put oneself into a suitable state of mind for something,译为“使某人做好思想准备”,有时也用于强调“为取得某项资格而进行准备”。例如:

    Prepare yourself for a shock.


    I am preparing myself for the marathon race.


    He prepared himself to take out a license for a driver.


    11. be prepared to do sth.

    be prepared to do sth.= be able and willing to,译为“有能力而且愿意……”。例如:

    We are prepared to supply the goods you are saked for.


    I am prepared to undertake the task.


    I am not prepared to listen to all your weak excuses.


    12. be prepared for/against sth.

    be prepared for sth.= be expecting sth.,译为“期望的”;be prepared against sth.= make good preparations,译为“好好准备”。例如:

    I wasn’t prepared for such a large bill.


    We must be well prepared for each battle.


    We are fully prepared against any aggression.


    13. be prepared that+ clause

    在be prepared that+ clause结构中,注 意从句须用should,译为“愿意……”。例如:

    I am prepared that my son should have a tutor.



    Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.



