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第五章 商务信函的翻译

第一节  商务信函的构成要素





    3.信内地址(inside address):收信人的名称和地址


    5.正文(body of the letter)

    6.结尾套语(complimentary close)


    但有时根据实际情况,需要酌情增添其他六个附加成分,包括:参考文号(Reference Number)、经办人(Attention Line)、主题(Subject)、附件(Enclosure)、抄送(Carbon Copy Notation)和附言(Postscript)等。



    Universal Trading Company

    62 Jacksonville Street

    Austin, TX 78703, U.S.A.

    Aug 1st,2008


    China National Light Industrial Products

    Import & Export Corporation, LTD

    Beijing, P.R.China


    Dear Ms.Song,


    Sub: Ref.No.ST-528


    We thank you for your letter of July 31st.


    As mentioned in your letter under reply, there is a big difference between the prices of other suppliers and those of ours.But we are of the opinion that you will find our prices reasonable and favourable if you compare our products with other suppliers.

    As regards your request for D/P terms, we wish to point out that payment by L/C is our usual practice, and we are afraid we are not in a position to make you an exception.

    Since considerable business has been done with other buyers at our prevailing prices and on L/C terms, we hope you will reconsider them and let us have your acceptance before long.


    Sincerely Yours



    Sales Manager

第二节  商务信函的分类与功能


    1.资信调查函、建立贸易关系函(Letters of Establishing Business Relations)


    例1:We see that your firm specializes in household appliances, and we are willing to establish direct business relations with your company.


    例2:We‟d like to know the availability and the conditions of sale of this line.


    2.促销函(Letters of Promotion)


    例3:In order to popularize these products, all the catalogue prices are subject to a special discount of 15% during the month of January.


    例4:If you are likely to require any of these items during the next six months, we advise you placing the order now as prices are rising rapidly.


    3.询盘函(Letters of Inquiries and Replies)


    例5:You are recommended to us by New York Chamber of Commerce and we are interested very much in your Crocodile Brand Leather Handbags.


    例6:It would be appreciated if you would send us at your earliest convenience samples of various sizes of your leather boots together with the lowest prices.


    4.报盘函/报价函(Letters of Making Offers)


    例7:We are very pleased to make you an offer/ a quotation for our product.


    例8:As this product is in great demand and the supply limited, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.


    5.还盘函(Letters of Counter-offers / Counter-suggestions)


    例9:Unfortunately, we cannot accept your offer, because another supplier offered us a similar article at a price about 6% lower.


    例10:As we have made a great concession in price, I would ask for a discount for this lot.


    例11:We regret to say that there is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you required, i.e.6%.


    6.订货函(Letters of Orders)


    例12:We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to enclose our official Order Sheet No.33 for 6,000 cotton pillowcases.

    译文:我方用户对贵方产品的价格和质量均非常满意,遂很高兴随函附寄我方 33号正式订单,向贵方订购6 000套纯棉枕套。

    例13:The articles should conform to those described in your brochure and to the sample sent to us.If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow.


    例14:We are ready to place an order with you, but only on condition that the goods are confined to Switzerland.


    7.付款函(Letters of Payment)


    例15:In view of the amount of this transaction being small, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight(or at 60 days‟ sight)for the value of the goods shipped.


    例16:Please open the L/C 15 to 20 days before the date of delivery, and it should be valid until the 15th day after shipment so that we can get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation.


    8.催款函(Call Letters)


    例17:We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once and let us know what has become of the letter of credit, otherwise the shipment will be delayed a great deal.


    例18:Having made repeated application for payment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we will take out a summons for recovery of the sum.


    9.装运函(Letters of Packing & Transportation)


    例19:We wish to advise you that your Order No.109 has been shipped today.


    例20:The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and inspection certificate will be sent to you today.


    例21:We are sure the goods will reach you in good order and give you full satisfaction.


    10.保险函(Letters of Insurance)


    例22:We‟d like to cover the consignment against All Risks from our warehouse to the port of Amsterdam.


    例23:We should like to know if you can undertake insurance of these goods Against All Risks(A.R.).


    11.索赔函(Letters of Compensation Claims)


    例24:We regret very much to find that, upon examination,60 of the cases of your shipment arrived in a badly damaged condition.


    例25:In support of our claim, we are sending you a survey report issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau(CCIB).


    例26:We hope you will promptly settle the case and bring it to a satisfactory close.


    12.理赔函(Letters of Claim Settlement)


    例27:To compensate you for your loss, we agree to allow you a reduction of 15% off the total invoice value.


    例28:It's clear that the shortage in weight was due to the fault of the carrier.Therefore we would advise you to lodge a claim against the shipping company.






    A Specimen letter


    Universai Trading Company

    25 Jackson Street

    Odense, Denmark

    Dear Mr.Green,

    We have received your letter of Oct.10th offering us 2,000 metric tons of polished rice at B(Thai Baht)24,000 per metric ton on the usual terms.

    We regret to inform you that our buyers find your price much too high.We are informed that some lots of American origin have been sold here at a level about 15% lower than yours.

    We don‟t deny that the quality of Thai rice is slightly better but the difference in price should, in no case, be as large as 10%.To facilitate the transaction, we counter offer as follows subject to your reply being received by us before Oct.26th,2008.

    2,000 metric tons of polished rice,2008 crop, at B(Thai Baht)22,800 per metric ton CIF Denmark, other terms as in your letter of Oct.10th.

    As the market price is falling, we recommend your immediate acceptance.

    Sincerely yours,

    Nissim Picker

    Purchasing Manager

    这是一封还价函(A letter of counter offer),目的是请求对方降低价格。此类信件应陈述提出请求的充分理由,注重语言的信息功能以及措辞的礼貌得体。这一点在上面这封信中得到了充分体现。首先写信人告知收悉对方来函及来函主要内容——大米价格,然后告知对方同类美国产品的售价低于对方报价。接下来,对泰国的大米质量给予肯定,但同时提出了他们在这一背景下对价格的要求并限定了等待期限。最后,谈到市场价格趋势,借此试图说服对方同意自己的请求,敦促对方接受还价。



    A Specimen letter

    Dear Mr Johnson:

    As we celebrate our 100th anniversary, we want to take this time to thank all of our valued customers whose loyal patronage had allowed us to be so successful over the past 100years.

    Anniversaries cause us to reflect on the rapid development that has taken place since we first began business.We are indebted to you for your support and confidence.To show our appreciation, we have enclosed a special coupon worth 20% discount off in your next purchase.

    Many thanks for being our customers and we look forward to serving you again.

    Yours faithfully,

    Joe Black



第三节  商务信函的文体特征



    从语言学的角度来看,商务信函包含在国际商务英语的范畴里。国际商务英语,也被称作商务英语,是应用语言学项下的一个重要分支,即:语言学(Linguistics)→(英语)应用语言学(Applied Linguistics)→专门用途英语(English for Special Purposes)→国际商务英语(International Business English)→商务信函(Business Letters)。因此,商务信函具有国际商务英语的语言特征。


    商务信函是正式的、公文性质的函件,因此,在文体、遣词造句方面要比普通信函讲究,用词往往严谨、规范、朴素、准确。商务信函规范、正式的特点决定了商务英语信函多数情况下使用较为正式的词汇。如:here/there+prep.构成的复合词, hereafter, hereby, herein, hereof, herewith, thereafter, therein等。





    例1:It would be appreciated… /We shall appreciate it(very much)… /We should be obliged… /We should be pleased… /if you send us your lowest quotation for the following….


    例2:It gives us great pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your order of our women's leather shoes of Mar.3rd.


    例3:Please accept my sincere/ grateful/ profound appreciation for your kind order of Sept 27th, being accompanied by your cheque, value £6,000,000, which we received today.

    译文:请接受我对贵方7月27日订单及随附的价值6 000 000的英镑支票真挚的/衷心的/深切的感谢。

    例4:We should esteem it a high favour if you could kindly advise us the price for this model and any others that you think would suit our requirements.


    例5:Many thanks for your kind and warm letter.


    例6:Thank you for your inquiry of Oct.16th.We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our tea.


    例7:We welcome your inquiry of June 10 and thank you for your interest in our products.




    Sincerely; Sincerely yours; Very sincerely yours

    Cordially; Cordially yours; Very Cordially yours


    Yours very truly; Very truly yours

    Respectfully yours(特别用于地位尊崇的收信人)


    Best wishes; Cheers! Warmest regards; See you in Phoenix!


    例8:Please accept our many apologies for the trouble caused to you by the error.


    例9:We tender you /request you to accept our apologies for not being able to book your order at the prices we quoted six months ago.


    例10:I owe you an apology/ apologies.


    例11:Our requirements are now fully covered for some time to come, and we therefore greatly regret that we have to cancel our order with you.



    例12:We have received your letter of /dated Sept.12th and appreciate your interest in our produce.


    例13:We are in receipt with thanks of your L/C opened through Bank of China for 500 air-conditioners.


    例14:We admit receipt of your quotations for your cotton bed-sheets and cotton table-cloth.


    例15:We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of April 23rd .



    例16:Regarding your letter of Aug.9th, we are sending you herewith several samples of leather handbags.


    例17:In reply to your letter of Jan.9th, we have pleasure in offering, subject to our final confirmation.Our main products are as follows.


    例18:Referring to your letter of Feb.20th, we have arranged for an early delivery of your Order No.F-232.



    例19:We have learned /obtained your name and address from/ through the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embasy of the United Kingdom.


    例20:Your company has kindly been recommended to us by Tianjin Chamber of Commerce.


    例21:We are glad to know your name and address on the Internet.


    例22:By courtesy of Mr.Smith, we are given to understand you are the leading importer of fruits and vegetables in your country.



    例23:Looking forward to your favourable / positive reply.


    例24:Looking forward to receiving an early reply.


    例25:We look forward very much to the pleasure of receiving an order from you.



    例26:Enclosed please find the catalogue and price list you asked for.


    例27:We are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present.


    例28:We enclose a check for RMB 5,000 in payment of all commissions due to you.

    译文:随函附上支票一张,金额为人民币5 000元,以支付给你方的佣金。

    9.礼貌用语和客套话还体现在多用You attitude,而较少使用We attitude

    例29:It was good/ fine/ thoughtful of you.


    例30:Your compliance with our request will be highly appreciated.


    例31:You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to the prices of your various qualities of the woolen blankets.




    商务信函的文本特点通常被概括为“5C原则”(Five C's Principles),即:Correctness(准确),Clarity(清楚),Conciseness(简洁),Completeness(完整),Courtesy(礼貌),或概括为“7C原则”(Seven C's Principles),即:Correctness(准确),Clarity(清楚),Conciseness(简洁),Completeness(完整),Courtesy(礼貌),Concretness(具体),Consideration(体谅)。



第四节  翻译技巧——商务信函翻译中的信息对等问题






    make an offer发盘


    letter of credit信用证

    down payment(分期付款的)首付款,定金

    shipping advice装运通知

    choice variety上等品

    counter-offer, counter-suggestion反盘,还盘

    invisible trade无形贸易


    escape clause免责条款

    the confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit保兑的,不可撤销的信用证



    With Particular Average(W.P.A.)水渍险







    We are pleased to inform you that...我们愉快地向各位宣布„„

    We have pleasure in aprising you that...我们十分高兴的通知您„„

    Be in receipt of...函悉„„

    In reply/ answer to兹复

    Please let us know...请告知„„

    Referring to/ as regards...兹谈及„„

    This is to introduce...兹介绍„„

    Wish to inform...特此奉告„„

    Upon the receipt of...一俟收到„„

    Through the courteous of...承蒙好意„„

    Thank you in advance for...荣此申谢/ 承蒙„„谨先致谢„„

    We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your Order No.16 of cotton pillowcases of May 26th.兹确认收到贵方5月26日关于棉枕套商品的16号订货单,非常感谢。



    英文信函和中文信函在信中日期、地址、称呼、抬头和结束语等程式上是不同的。翻译时,一般要套用译入语商务信函的格式。英译汉时,保留汉语信函的程式;汉译英时,套用英文的信函程式。如称谓,Dear Sir, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sirs, To whom it may concern在一般情况下译为“敬启者”,“先生台鉴”等。结语Sincerely yours, Very truly yours, Cordially yours等一般按汉语习惯翻译成,“„„敬上”。





    Offer of a Quality Product Bamboo Carvings

    Dear Sirs/ Madams,

    We are very pleased to send you with this letter a copy of our catalogue for bamboo carvings.The high quality of our product is well-known and we are confident that a trial order would convince you our goods are excellent.

    We are offering you goods of the highest quality on unusually generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serve you.

    Yours faithfully

    The Brunner Trade Company









    advice     assured   basis    comments  confirmation  considerable

    instructions  made    receipt   shipping  terms      transit

    under    users

    Dear Sirs/ Madams,

    We are in 1 of your letter of Dec,12th, from which we understand that you have booked our order for 500 long tons of Mung beans of first quality.

    Ou 2 of order will be forwarded to you in a few days.Since the purchase is 3 on FOB 4 , you are to ship the goods from New York on a container ship to be designated by us.As soon as the 5 space is booked, we shall advise you of the name of the container ship, on which the goods are to go forward.For further 6 , please contact our forwarding agents, ABC Company, New York, who have hitherto taken care of shipments from you.

    We trust that the above instructions are clear to you and that the shipment will give the 7 entire satisfaction.

    Yours faithfully,


    Sales Dept.

    Dear Ms.Elborough,

    We thank you very much for your kind order for our coffee which we have received.It has our immediate and careful attention.

    You may rest 8 that the coffee 9 the order has been carefully packaged in chest to prevent damage in 10 .We shall send you the shipping 11 and the invoice at the time of shipment by this November.

    The 12 of payment you suggested are acceptable, and you may rely on us to give all your orders prompt attention.

    Since it is the best season for coffee, we hope you make full use of the opportunity.I am sure you will be pleased to collect good 13 about our coffee from your consumers, and build up a market for the product in your country.

    We hope this will lead to more 14orders.

    Yours faithfully,

    Sales Manager

    Seth Brown


    The rice covered by Order No.A222 arrived here this morning was found upon examination that about 120 bags had not been packed in 5-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract, thus resulting in the breakage during transit.


