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    第二节 英美法系法律的宏观结构

    法律旨在规范、指导或调整人们的行为,故所有的法律都有其共同的要素体现这种权利的授予和义务的赋予。例如,Watson and Brown认为,所有立法都有一个共同的部分,即由一个句子担任立法性陈述(legislative statement)。该立法性陈述分为基本的立法陈述(即创设权利、义务的表述)和附属性立法陈述(即并不创设法律,而只是帮助读者了解有关立法的内容,例如立法的简称、条款标题以及注释等描述性语言)。[5]尽管在普通法系内部存在差异,英美法一般会包含下列主要结构和要素:①名称;②颁发日期;③序言;④颁布语;⑤主体部分;⑥附录。下面将对这些要素及其翻译进行分析。


    根据布莱克法律词典(第8版,第1524页)的解释,title指制定法或其他法律文书的名称(the heading of a statute or other legal document)。换言之,是借以为人所知并与其他法律法规名称相区别的那部分。[6]与我国法律名称不同的是,英美法系的法律法规名称分为两类:short title和long title。在英美法系历史上,最初的议会立法都没有名称,直到1495年才第一次在议会立法上使用名称。名称有助于将立法调整内容或对象区别开来。下面将具体介绍这两类名称在表现形式和功能上的差异。

    (一)简称(Short title)

    根据布莱克法律词典(第8版,第1524页)的解释,short tile乃是为公众所熟知的那个名称,[7]一般译为“简称,引称”。通常情况下,“简称”常出现在法律法规正文的开头部分,即表述为:This Act may be cited as..


    SECTION 1.This Act may be cited as the“×××Relations Act”.


    例2 Short title,repeal,commencement and extent.

    6.(1)This Act maybe cited as the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992.




    Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(USA)若熟悉这种表达,无须看后面括号里的USA就知道该法是一部联邦立法。须注意的是,美国联邦制定的诸多示范法,如Model Uniform Product Liability Act(《统一产品责任示范法》)、Model penal Code(《刑法范典》)等,对州并非具有拘束力。[8]例如,Pennsylvania州就有关合并费城的立法就表述为:Act of Consolidation,1854。

    (2)澳大利亚与英国模式。该国立法中都采取“主题词+Act+year”的模式。例如,就《禁止残疾歧视法》,澳洲与英国的表述分别为Australian Disability Discrimination Act 1992和Disability Discrimination Act 1995(UK)。类似地,澳大利亚的《(禁止)年龄歧视法》表述为Age Discrimination Act 2004,《人权及平等机会委员会法》则表述为the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986。

    (3)加拿大模式。英美法系国家过去在表述short title时往往在“制定时间”前使用逗号,该做法已为多数国家摒弃。例如,英国的议案草拟者尽管常使用该标点符号,而且在议会法的副本中还得以保留,但在颁布施行的立法中并不包括该逗号。[9]对此,Glanville Williams认为,在引用1963年前颁布的立法中省略颁布年代前的逗号是合理的。[10]但是,这种在年代与Act之间使用逗号的做法却为加拿大立法所保留,该国的简称模式“主题+Act+,+year”。如the Revised Statutes of Canada,1970,Criminal Code of Canada,1892,c.29。[11]

    (二)详称(Long title)

    不少著述将long title译为“长标题”。如前所述,“标题”这一表述很少用于法律规范中,故译为“长标题”显然不妥。我国香港特区的双语立法中称之为“详题”,显然比“长标题”略胜一筹,但“详题”为“详细的标题”的简称,故仍不妥。既然short title为“简称”,那将long title译为“详称”岂不相称?

    如前所述,1495年前的议会法都未使用名称,至1513年始在议会法里添加“详称”,以明确议会法的内容,但详称在那时并非议会法的必要组成部分。例如,英国的《权利法案》在1896年之前并无该简称(Bill of Rights),而是至1896年的“Short Titles Act 1896”颁布后才使用该简称的,在此之前,人们所熟知的是其详称(An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown)。类似地,美国的the Judiciary Act of 1789[12]在以前也只有其详称(An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States)。


    详称在英国至为重要,因根据议会法的有关规定,对立法议案的修订不得超越详称所确定的范围,换言之,从详称中就足见某立法的调整范围或内容。基于此,详称往往在表述上并不十分明确,总在结尾部分加上一个涵盖性的程式化表述and for connected purposes,以使其内容富于弹性。就其措辞或表述模式而言,英美法系国家内部略有差异:

    英国和美国的立法中一般是以“An Act(ordinance..)to..”或“An Act:To..”来表达,即以Act或ordinance等表示法律类型和效力的术语,其后接一个或多个to不定式结构做定语,修饰前面的中心词。[15]例如:

    short title:Conveyancing and Property Ordinance

    long title:An Ordinance To make provision relating to conveyancing and the law of property;to make provision concerning agreements and deeds relating to land and other agreements;to make provision for the acquisition and holding of land and other property;to provide for standard agreements and deeds relating to land;to imply certain covenants and other provisions in agreements and deeds relating to land;to revise and consolidate certain miscellaneous provisions relating to land and other matters;and for connected purposes.

    An Act:

    To help maintain peace,security,and stability in the Western Pacific and to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing the continuation of commercial,cultural,and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on×××,and for other purposes. (——×××Relations Act)

    多数英美法系国家立法中的详称采取了与英国和美国类似的表述模式,如新加坡的Monetary Authority of Singapore Act的详称为An Act to establish a corporation to be known as the Monetary Authority of Singapore and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith;澳大利亚的Constitution Act的详称为An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia。澳大利亚的详称模式更类似于美国模式,即更为简洁和宽泛,如A Bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the Automotive Transformation Scheme,and for related purposes。

    加拿大立法中详称的表达模式则并不使用to不定式,而是使用respecting引导一个结构做定语修饰Act。例如,Divorce Act〔R.S.C.,1985,c.3(2nd Supp.)〕为简称,其详称则为An Act respecting divorce and corollary relief;The Civil Marriage Act的详称为An Act respecting certain aspects of legal capacity for marriage for civil purposes;Criminal Code(R.S.C.,1985,c.C-46)的详称为An Act respecting the Criminal Law。

    南非立法的详称中则省略了“An”,如South African Law Reform Commission Act 10of 1973的详称为:


    To establish a South African Law Reform Commission and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

    相对于简称而言,详称更为复杂,也更详细地说明了立法的目的,但增加了翻译难度。如前所述,详题中常使用to不定式、分词短语或介词短语做定语,修饰Act等中心词。若这些修饰语简短,未使用for other purposes这类概括性表述,则可译为前置定语。

    例1 An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown─→《国民权利与自由和王位继承宣言》

    An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States─→


    An Act respecting the Criminal Law─→刑事法;

    An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the law relating to jurors─→陪审员立法的修订与整合法;

    An Act respecting divorce and corollary→─relief离婚与相关救济法

    上述译文都符合汉语的表述习惯。[16]但是,有些详称中尽管修饰结构简单也没包括概括性表述,如An Act to replace the Bills of Lading Act 1855with new provision with respect to bills of lading and certain other shipping documents(Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992),但若译为前置定语,势必难以符合汉语的表述习惯,因此可考虑其他径路。[17]即不妨根据不定式的表意功能或者法律的功能或目的进行翻译。

    例2 An Ordinance to make provision relating to conveyancing and the law of property;to make provision concerning agreements and deeds relating to land and other agreements;to make provision for the acquisition and holding of land and other property;to provide for standard agreements and deeds relating to land;to imply certain covenants and other provisions in agreements and deeds relating to land;to revise and consolidate certain miscellaneous provisions relating to land and other matters;and for connected purposes.(——Cap.219Conveyancing and Property Ordinance)




    译1为我国香港特区律政司提供,比较忠实地再现了原文中的名物化结构,如将make provision译为“订立条文”,但重复使用“订定条文”略显啰嗦。笔者遂按照我国法律中就“法律功能”的表述习惯,以“本法旨在调整或规范……”这一结构进行改译。

    例3 An Act to restrict membership of the House of Lords by virtue of a hereditary peerage;to make related provision about disqualifications for voting at elections to,and for membership of,the House of Commons;and for connected purposes.(——House of Lords Act 1999)



    例4      AN ACT

    To be known as the Uniform Commercial Code,Relating to Certain Commercial Transactions in or regarding Personal Property and Contracts and other Documents concerning them,including Sales,Commercial Paper,Bank Deposits and collections,letter of credit,bulk transfers,warehouse receipts,Bill of lading,other documents of Title[19],Investment securities,and Secured transactions,including certain sales of accounts[20],chattel paper,and contract rights;Providing for public notice to third parties in certain circumstances;Regulating procedure,evidence and damages in certain court actions involving such transactions,contracts or documents;To make uniform The Law with respect thereto;and repealing inconsistent legislation.(——Uniform Commercial Code)










    三、序言(The preamble)







    We the people of the United States,in order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    Preamble to the Bill of Rights

    Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New York,on Wednesday the fourth of March,one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.



    to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind,and..,


    to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors,and..,



    除了上述模式外,还可由1个或多个whereas结构,说明立法目的等有关信息。该结构常用于合同领域和审判实践中,引入正式的法律文件,意思是“鉴于”(considering that或that being the case)。[27]如果whereas条款用于立法议案中,其意思是“因为”,即对立法理由进行解释。尽管学界对该结构的使用颇有微词,认为其过度使用乃是法律形式主义的始作俑者,[28]但现代立法中仍不乏少数。例如:

    Whereas,Governor Francis E.McGovern signed Senate Bill 8into law on March 2,1911,creating the joint committee on finance;and Whereas,the joint committee on finance is the longest-serving continuing standing committee of the legislature;and Whereas,..;now,therefore,

    Be it Resolved by the senate,the assembly concurring,That the legislature of the state of Wisconsin,in commemoration of the first centennial of the joint committee on finance,pays tribute to the contributions of the committee to the Wisconsin legislature and the people of Wisconsin.

    Emergency preamble.

    Whereas,acts and resolves of the Legislature do not become effective until 90days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies;and Whereas,it is legal to bring shellfish into Maine from outside the State,clean it,shuck it or just store it and then sell it as a product of Maine;and Whereas,the State must reserve its brand for shellfish native to this State,thereby protecting the brand;and Whereas,the assurance that only Maine shellfish are labeled as Maine shellfish is crucial to the economy of this State;and Whereas,it is vital that this legislation take effect before the summer tourist season,when shellfish sales are at their highest;and Whereas,in the judgment of the Legislature,these facts create an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace,health and safety;now,therefore,..


    鉴于Preamble和whereas等古体用法备受批判,而序言的作用在于标明立法宗旨、理由等信息,故现在很多国家开始采用其他方式。例如,在法律名称与正文之间用一些分词短语(如given that;considering;recognizing等)或介词结构(如in view of;for the purpose of等),以表明立法理由或者该法欲达到的目的。在国内立法以及在一些重要的国际条约中,也常在标题下、正文条款前插于一个条款以说明其立法宗旨,区别在于由Preamble引导立法宗旨的传统表达模式。例如:

    The Parties to this Agreement,

    Recognizing that..

    Recognizing further that..

    Being desirous of contributing to these objectives..

    Resolved,therefore,to develop an integrated,..

    Determined to preserve the basic principles and to further the objectives..

    Agree as follows:..[29]

    Part 1The overriding objective

    The overriding objective

    1.1-(1)These Rules are a new procedural code with the overriding objective of enabling the court to deal with cases justly.


    United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International sales of Goods(1980)〔CISG〕


    BEARING IN MIND the broad objectives..,

    CONSIDERING that the development of international trade..,

    BEING OF THE OPINION that the adoption of uniform rules..,

    HAVE AGREED as follows:..[31]

    四、颁布语(The enacting words)

    根据布莱克法律词典(第8版,第267,567页),enacting words也称为enacting clause;enacting formula,其作用乃是对法律的权力渊源进行说明(即据此赋予某法法律效力),常表达为施为句“Be it enacted that..”,其后面为法律的条款内容。该部分在英美法中并非必备要件,至少在美国立法的法典编辑过程中是不会使用该表述,但英国的立法中会使用该结构。[32]该部分也有不同的译法,如“颁布套语”[33]、“制定条款”[34]、“制定语式条文”[35]等。至于其位置,如果某法中没有序言部分,该部分一般出现在详称(long title)和批准日期(date of royal consent)之后,其功能类似我国法律中的“颁布语”。

    至于其表现形式,英美法各国略有差异。除“Be it enacted that..”这一主要表达模式外,有些国家或州采纳了独特的表述方式,在表达上也有详细和简略之分。例如,最简单的颁发语只提及通过某法的立法机构,如澳大利1990年以后颁发的法律中,其颁发语就只简略规定“The Parliament of Australia enacts”;而详尽的表述中则指明了赋予该法效力的最终决定者,如加利福尼亚州就依据“民众主权原则”使用的是“The People of the State of California do enact as follows:..”模式。具体而言:


    尽管Parliament Acts 1911and 1949规定应采用“BE IT ENACTED by The Queen’s[King’s]most Excellent Majesty,by and with the advice and consent of the Commons in this present Parliament assembled,in accordance with the provisions of the Parliament Acts 1911and 1949,and by the authority of the same,as follows:-”的模式,[36]但立法中采用的却是下列模式:

    Be It Enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty,by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,and Commons,in this present Parliament assembled,and by the authority of the same,as follows:-




    原文中的(The Right Honorable)The Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled是英国上议院的官方全称,其字面意思是“于国会中集会之受尊崇的大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国的灵职与俗职们”;而Most Excellent Majesty是英国的一种称呼形式,主要用于议会法的颁布语中,其变体形式则是the Queen’s〔King’s〕most Excellent Majesty,可译为“国王或女王陛下”。上述译文都因不了解有关的立法程序而出现了失误。因此,应了解一下英国议会的立法程序:

    Commons:〔First Reading〕(formal-no debate)→〔Second Reading〕(general debate on the policy of the whole Bill.Normally taken on the floor of the whole House)→〔Committee Stage〕(taken either in Standing committee,select committee,or committee of the whole House)(clause-by-clause examination of the Bill.Amendments proposed at this stage)→〔Report Stage〕(amendments made in committee are reported.Then confirmed or reversed)→〔Third Stage〕(brief debate on the amended Bill.)→〔Royal Assent〕

    Lords:Money Bills bypass the Lords→〔First Reading〕→〔Second Reading〕→〔Committee Stage〕→〔Third Stage〕→〔Consideration of Lords Amendments〕→〔Royal Assent〕

    可见,无论是上议院还是下议院通过的立法,都须经过上述三个程序(其中,reading的意思“审查”),其中最重要的是the Second Reading,其间议员会对法的宗旨和一般原则进行讨论,[38]最后经国王/女王批准后方具有法律效力。通常所谓的“议会立法权至高无上”(doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty)指的是“议会的立法权不受法律限制”。但是,在英国,“议会”不应理解为“单独的两院”,因为两院均无单独的立法权,而应理解为被称做“女王议会”的一个宪法现象(a constitutional phenomenon known as the Queen in Parliament),即“经两院同意通过的议案获得女王批准而成为议会法的立法程序”。[39]可见,上下议院与国王/女王一起才使该议案具有法律效力。不妨改译为:


    由于苏格兰在英国法律体系中自成一体,故而其立法中的颁发语与其他重组部分略有不同,即并非采取传统的颁发语,而是采用“The Bill for this Act of the Scottish Parliament was passed by the Parliament on〔Date〕and received Royal Assent on〔Date〕.”的表达模式;


    Having been passed by the National Assembly for Wales and having received the assent of Her Majesty,it is enacted as follows:

    即未使用Be it enacted..模式,且在标点符号上也存在差异(使用的是“:”,并非“:—”)。再以Local Government(Wales)Measure 2009为例:

    This Measure,passed by the National Assembly for Wales on 28April 2009and approved by Her Majesty in Council on 10June 2009,enacts the following provisions:-




    i)The People of the State of New York,represented in Senate and Assembly,do enact as follows:..

    ii)Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of(Ohio):..//Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in congress assembled and by the authority of the people of the State of Texas,as follows,..

    iii)It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of(Vermont):..

    其中第二种模式最为常见,为众多立法所采纳(如×××Relations Act,Perform Act of 2006,U.S.-China Language Engagement Act),可译为:“本法由美国国会参议院和众议院集会(或某州议会)制订。……”。



    i)HER MAJESTY,by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta,enacts as follows:..

    ii)Be it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor and House of Assembly in Legislative Session convened,as follows:..

    iii)The Commissioner of Nunavut,by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly,enacts as follows:..


    在1993之前,澳大利亚模式与英国模式类似,采用的都是“BE IT ENACTED by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty,by and with the advice and consent of the Queensland Legislative Assembly in Parliament assembled,and by the authority of the same,as follows:—..”模式。但自1993年后,其颁发语模式发生了变化,表述更为简洁。例如:

    The Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory enacts as follows:..The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:..

    The Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory enacts as follows:..


    五、Substantive body(主体部分)

    本部分为法规的实体部分,即由“the parts,articles or sections,paragraph”等具体条款列明有关的权利义务以及适用该权利义务的条件。该部分是任何一部分类规范的必备的、也是主要的要件。这一节仅对条、款、项等序列的表达及其翻译做简要介绍,而各条款的具体内容及其翻译将在下一章详细讲解。英美法的主体部分大致包含下列内容:

    (1)Parts:即“部分”,一般用大写罗马数字表示(如Part I)。有时也会使用Division来代替Part。例如:

    California Rules of Court

    Title 3.Civil Rules

    Division 1.General Provisions

    Chapter 1.Preliminary Rules..

    须注意的是,在某些国家(如美国)的立法中,Part并非最大的单位,其上面还有Title,如“Title 6,United States Code,section 552a”。美国法典在编撰体例上比较特别,即将立法按照调整对象划分为50个title,[40]即title是法典中最大的划分单位,然后在title下面可依次划分为subtitle-parts-subparts-chapters-subchapters-sections等;section是法典中最小的、连贯的分类单位,其下可再划分为subsections-paragraph-clauses等。但并非所有的法典都采取该排列方式,例如,Title 26采取的是“Title-Subtitle-Chapter-Subchapter-Part-Subpart-Section-Subsection-Paragraph-Subparagraph-Clause-Subclause”的排列方式,而Title 38采取的是“Title-Part-Chapter-Subchapter-Section”的排列方式。无论如何,title与section分别为最大和最小的划分单位。

    由于我国立法未采用类似的编撰体例,故如何解读其中的“Title”比较棘手。有人将其译为“编”或“篇”,[41]笔者在翻译中也曾将其译为“编”,[42]现在看来这些译法均不妥。在我国法律中,“编”是一个部门法下的几个组成部分的称谓,如民法典的“物权编”、“债编”“知识产权编”,与美国的这种根据调整对象不同而划分的“title”的意思并不吻合,如Title 35涉及专利,Title17涉及版权,同属于知识产权的专利与版权却被分为了2个title,故译为“编”实难令人信服。我国法律中也未设“篇”这种表述,尽管学者们或司法考试中常使用该称谓(如民法篇、刑法篇),故译为“篇”也很难解释为何民法“篇”中还可分为“专利篇”和“商标篇”(即上下级分类使用了同一个分类名称)。我国香港特区立法中的part一般被译为“部”,title则被译为“号”。“部”通常会被人们理解为“一部法律”,很少会有人将其解读为“部分”,“号”的称法也未有多大的接受度。其实,应将法律语境下的title理解为volume,即“卷”。[43]例句中division的功能与part无异。

    (2)Chapter:章,主要用阿拉伯数字表示,如Chapter 1。

    (3)Sections:条(有时用§表示)。立法中的每一项拟表达的意思应体现在一条中,主要由阿拉伯数字表示,如Section 1。

    (4)Subsections:款,乃是为比“条”更小的单位。如果“条”体现的是某一项立法拟表达的意思,那么“款”则为该意思的详尽细节,常在圆括号里用阿拉伯数字表示,如Section 1(1)。英美法中“条”的内容非常冗长,有时一条就包含几百个单词,涵盖下面(5)(6)(7)所述的项、目等内容。




    总之,根据立法起草规则,“条”以下的单位都须使用括号。[44]在《菲迪克合同条件(FIDIC)》中,也有类似的规定。[45]至于括号内是数字、字母,是大写字母还是小写字母,在各法域中则略有差异。例如,美国法中可采纳Section18(2)(b)(iii)(A)或Section 104(b)(2)(A)(i)模式;英国法中则可采用29(1)(a)(i)或Rule 3.20(a)(1)(A)模式;加拿大的安大略省的表述则采取Regulations:part I,section 2,subsection(1),clause(a),subclauses i,ii,iii,and iv..模式,或者在section后直接用paragraph 1,2,or 3而省略subsection。个中差异,不可不辨。

    此外,在表示“条”的时候,有的法律中使用的是article而并未使用section,并将section作为article的下级单位,如美国宪法“Article 1-The legislative Branch Section 1-The Legislature(第1条第1款)”。但我国官方译本中常将section作为article的上位词时,即前者表示“节”,后者为“条”。以《民法通则》的英译本为例:

    Chapter II Citizen(Natural Person)

    第一节 Section 1Capacity for Civil Rights and Capacity for Civil Conduct.

    第九条 Article 9..




    (1)annex:something that is attached,such as a document to a report or an addition on to a building.

    该词常用于国际协议中。例如:ANNEX A-World Trade Organization;Annex 1to Treaty constituting the European Community

    (2)schedule:a written list or inventory;esp,a statement that is attached to a document and that gives a detailed showing of the matters referred to in the document.

    该词常用于表示“附录”。例如,英国的Criminal Justice Act 1967就包含Schedule 1,schedule 2和schedule 3,分别就相关问题进行补充规定。

    (3)appendix:a supplementary document attached to the end of a writing.

    该词常用于表示“附录”。例如,The Criminal Justice Act 1967中就有APPENDIX TO SCHEDULE 1的表述,可见appendix一词也可用于对某些规定的补充说明。

    (4)exhibit:a document attached to and made part of a pleading,motion,contract,or other instrument;a document,record,or other tangible object formally introduced as evidence in court.

    该词常用于诉讼中,说明有关的证据。例如:①上诉状副本x份;②证物x(名称)x件;③书证x(名称)x件,就可用“exhibit 1,2,3”来表示。

    (5)attachment:the act of affixing or connecting;something(as a document)that is affixed or connected to something else.


    (6)Miscellaneous Privision.



    §44.When Act Takes Effect This act shall take effect on the——day of one thousand nine hundred and fourteen;

    §45.Legislation Repealed All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed.(——Uniform Partnership Act of 1914)


    (7)Supplementary Provisions.

    例如,英国的Criminal Law Act 1967包括三个部分:

    Part I abolished the distinction between felony and misdemeanour and makes consequential provisions.

    Part II abolished a number of obsolete crimes.

    Part III contains supplementary provisions.




    a)Rule 3.10adopted effective January 1,2007.

    (Subd(a)amended effective January 1,2007;adopted as untitled subd effective July 1,1997;previously amended effective July 1,2000.)[47]

    b)Section 11.Effectivity.-This Act shall take effect immediately upon its approval and shall remain in force for five(5)years thereafter.

    Approved,April 10,1979.


    〔13March 1970〕



    A declaration takes effect simultaneously with the entryinto force of this Convention in respect of the State concerned.However,a declaration of which the depositary receives formal notification after such entry into force takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of its receipt by the depositary.Reciprocal unilateral declarations under article94take effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the receipt of the latest declaration by the depositary.[48]

    ④传统的“法规+shall take effect”来表示。例如:

    This Act shall take effect on the day of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four.

    ⑤使用其他的“法规+shall be effective as of+日期”的完整的形式表示。as of这种正式表述也可用于法律法规包括修正案的生效日期。例如:

    a)SEC.18.This Act shall be effective as of January 1,1979.Approved April 10,1979.”

    b)The LaceyAct was most recently amended as of May 22,2008,when the Food,Conservation,and Energy Act of 2008expanded its protection to a broader..

    c)SEC.18.This Act shall be effective as of January 1,1979.Approved April 10,1979.


