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    例文一 《武训传》剧情介绍




    Story of Wu Xun

    The movie tells a story of Wu Xun,a beggar of Dongliu Town,Shandong Province,in the Qing Dynasty(1616-1911),who helps poor children to get an education.

    Born in a poor family in Shandong,Wu Xun is five years old when his father dies,leaving him panhandling with his mother.One day,at the age of seven,with 200 coppers he has scraped as a beggar entertainer,he goes to a school,asking for admission,only to be taunted and get thrown out.Believing that poor people will never have a chance in life unless they learn to read and write,he starts a school offering free education to children of poor families.For funds,he depends on the handouts he earns by singing foolishly comic songs and offering himself for physical abuse.He does that for as long as thirty years.He does not know that the poor cannot improve their lot without a change of the society;all he does is to keep telling the children ,“Never turn your back to the poor folk when you grow up.”





    The movie tells a story of Wu Xun,a beggar of Dongliu Town,Shandong Province,in the Qing Dynasty,who helps poor children to get an education.

    【分析】虽然这个意群只有一句话,但却起着提纲挈领的作用,它告诉读者整篇文本的中心思想和主要内容,相当于一篇文章的内容提要。汉语原文中没有用文字表明who helps poor children to get an education,这是译者在通读了全篇之后加进去的,目的是给译文读者以思想准备,因为英语的表述习惯是重要的事情先说,所以在译文中一定要首先点明主题。



    Born in a poor family in Shandong,Wu Xun is five years old when his father dies,leaving him panhandling with his mother.




    One day,at the age of seven,with 200 coppers he has scraped as a beggar entertainer,he goes to a school,asking for admission,only to be taunted and get thrown out.

    【分析】这句话主要说明了武训努力挣钱,想上学读书的强烈愿望的破灭。原句对故事发生的时间和进入私塾的描写颇为笼统,这是汉语的一大特点,但是,在英译文中要详细说明,时间:One day,首次进入私塾的情景:asking for admission,only to be taunted and get thrown out 。“富家子弟”一词在译文中删去了,因为这个说法不确切。把武训赶出校门的可能还包括富家子弟的家长和私塾先生。



    Believing that poor people will never have a chance in life unless they learn to read and write,he starts a school offering free education to children of poor families.




    For funds,he depends on the handouts he earns by singing foolishly comic songs and offering himself for physical abuse.He does that for as long as thirty years.

    【分析】这段话是全篇最主要的部分,描述了武训在三十年中,为了办义学受尽了折磨和屈辱,过着非人的生活。“他装疯卖傻三十年”必须另起一句:He does that for as long as thirty years,以突出他受苦的时间漫长。



    He does not know that the poor cannot improve their lot without a change of the society;all he does is to keep telling the children ,“Never turn your back to the poor folk when you grow up.”

    【分析】这段话是整个段落的总结。“他不知道自己的义举能否真正改变社会”是作者的话,因为武训从来没有打算“改变社会”,因此在译文中必须变通,译为He does not know that the poor cannot improve their lot without a change of the society。




    ·We saw several people panhandling in the street.

    ·She panhandled nickels and dimes from passengers in the tube.

    2)攒钱——scrape money表示武训only earns enough money to provide himself with food,表现他攒钱的艰难。

    3)装疯卖傻,唱歌卖艺,任人驱打——这句话不能按照字面上的意思直译:He pretends to be mad and foolish,sings songs and even allows himself to be beaten in order to get money.如果这样翻译,译文读者不会理解其中的含义。这句话有很强的文化特色,描绘了旧中国穷苦人迫不得已的谋生手段,就连现在中国的年轻人都很难想象这番情景,更何况外国读者呢。所以译为:He depends on the handouts he earns by singing foolishly comic songs and offering himself for physical abuse.这样翻译带有解释说明的成分。abuse意为to treat someone badly,例如:In this village,people are really unfriendly and verbally abuse outsiders all the time.这个村的村民很欺生,对外来人常常恶语相加。

    4)“千万不要忘记咱们庄稼人!”——这句话中的“忘记”并不是forget,而是指to avoid or reject,or to turn a cold shoulder to somebody ,“庄稼人”也不是peasants,而是泛指穷苦人。所以翻译成:Never turn your back to the poor folk when you grow up。


