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    2012-12-12 09∶28∶33




    The Great Wall Station is China's first expedition base in the South Polar region and it was opened on February 20,1985. It is located at 62.1259° S,58.5752° W on King George Island,west of the Antarctica Shetland Islands. It faces the cove called Maxwell Bay to the east. The base is easily accessible and has an adeQuate water supply since it backs onto a snow-covered slope. Scientific research here is mainly concerned with biology,environmental monitoring,general meteorological observation,ice and snow,sea ice,geology,Earth's magnetic fields,seismological observation,satellite mapping and other programs. The team at the Great Wall Station could be divided into two groups-winter and summer personnel. The station is physically made up of 15 buildings,including sleeping Quarters,areas for scientific research,storerooms and ancillary buildings.The architecture here is called “dong” architecture. For example,the building in which we reside is called a living dong.


1 今天下午在地震台山顶拍摄的长城站鸟瞰照


2 对岸红色部分是韩国站(两站互访都是乘橡皮艇)


3 长城站600吨储油罐(中国元素)


4 综合活动中心(每天吃饭的地方,还有卡拉OK、篮球场)


5 科研栋


