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    第七章 法律文本程式化、固定结构的翻译





    1.be prohibited/not allowed

    2.be not obliged/permitted

    3.shall/may/must not+v



    可译为“Discrimination against and oppression of any nationality are prohibited;any act which undermines the unity or instigates division between or among any nationality is prohibited”;

    2.“A person cannot at the same time be both landlord and tenant of the same premises”


    3.“No security may be offered or sold to the public unless it is registered with the SEC”



    可译为“The state shall protect wildlife and the environment for its survival,and shall prohibit the illegal hunting,catching or destruction of wildlife by any unit or individual.”

    5.“The state ensures the rational use of natural resources and protests rare animals and plants.Appropriation or damaging of natural resources by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited.”



    可译为“Aliens who are considered a possible threat to China’s state security and public order shall not be permitted to enter into China.”

    7.“State property is sacred and inviolable,and no organization or individual shall be allowed to seize,encroach upon,privately divide,retain or destroy it.”




    must/shall + v.(2)fulfill one’s obligation to+v.(3)have the duty to+v.(4)It is the duty of/to+v.



    可译为“Companies must protect the lawful rights of their staff and workers,and strengthen labor protection so as to achieve safety in production”;

    2.“The seller owes a duty to the buyer to use due care in production,packing,and sale of his or her goods so that foreseeable harm,...will be avoided”



    可译为“It is the duty of citizens of the People’s Republic of China to safeguard the unification of the country and the unity of all its nationalities.”

    4.Parents have the duty to rear and educate their children who are minors,and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents.



    可译为“Both husband and wife fulfill their obligation to practice family planning.”



    其汉语的表达方式为“享有……的权利”、“有权……”等等,其英语的程式化语言结构为:(1)have the right/power to +v/n.(2)enjoy the right of…(3)be entitled to+v./n.(4)be authorized to+v.(5)may/shall +v.



    可译为“The parties shall have the right to be voluntary to enter into a contract in accordance with law.No unit or individual may illegally interfere”;

    2.“When one of the parties to the Contract fails to perform his or her obligations under the contract and the other party thereby sustains some injury,the injured party is entitled to be put,as nearly as possible,in the same position as if the contract had been performed”


    3.“Enterprises as legal persons,individual businesses and individual partnerships shall have the right to use and lawfully assign their own names.”



    可译为“Citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of authorship(copyrights)and shall be entitled to sign their names as authors,issue and publish their works and obtain remuneration in accordance with law.”

    5.“Under any of the following circumstances,an enterprise as regal person shall bear liability,its legal representative may additionally be given administrative sanctions and fined and,if the offence constitutes a crime,a criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.”



    表达法律效力的汉语表达方式为”施行(实施)”和”废止(废除)”等。其英语的程式化语言结构为:(1)come/enter into force(2)become effective(3)go into effect(4)be put into effect(5)be abolished(6)be abrogated(7)be null and void



    可译为“This law shall come/enter into force on the day of its promulgation.”

    2.“These Regulations shall become effective as of July l,2002.”



    可译为“These General Rules shall go into effect after their promulgation by the Government Administration Council.If any former inspection procedures adopted in various regions conflict with these General Rules,the former shall be abolished.”



    Will of Howard Brown(霍华德布朗的遗嘱)

      Article I    (条款一)

    I,Howard Brown,hereby make my will,and I revoked all over wills and codicils that I have previously made.(我,霍华德布朗本人在此立遗嘱。我撤销我预先立下的所有遗嘱和遗嘱附录。)

    I have signed this will,which is typewritten on—sheets of paper,on the—day of—,19—,and for the purpose of identification,I have also written my name on the margin of all pages before this signature page.(我已在……张纸上签署本遗嘱和立遗嘱日期。为了便于识别我已在签名页前所有各页的页边空白处上签名。)

    以聘用律师合同(Retaining Agreement)为例,如:

    That I,( )have employed( )as my attorney to present me to prosecute through settlement or judge certain claims I have and hold against( )and/or any all other persons,firms and corporations for or arising out of personal injuries to( )as well as damages to property caused by or growing out of a certain accident which occurred on or about the( )day( )of( )20( ).


    第一节 Shall的使用和翻译



    1.A party may suspend the performance of his obligation.


    2.Nothing in this article shall prejudice any right of recourse as between the carrier andthe actual carrier.


    在普通英语中shall是典型的表示未来的情态动词,传统语法规定shall只能用于第一人称,否则用will会更合适。在美国英语中一般不用shall表示将来,几乎已被废弃,所以表示将来的唯一情态动词只能用will。在法律英语中shall并不表示将来,而有着与普通英语完全不同的含义。Frederick Bowers(1989)认为shall被广泛运用于法律英语的真正原因是shall被看作是具有法律权威特征的一种象征。

    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English中shall的解释为:(fml.used esp.in official writing to show a promise,command,or law)。在具体翻译中,一般肯定形式应译为“应当”,否定形式应译为“不得”。例如:

    1.The reward shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations,taking into full account the following criteria:The reward shall not exceed the value of the ship and other property salved.





    例1:All the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the provisions of the law,decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China.



    例2:Under California law,someone who qualifies as a sex offender shall register with the chief of police or sheriff within a special time.



    例1:The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of Chinashall take effect on Oct .1,1999.


    例2:This Act shall be known as The Penal Code of California.


    3.用于表述合同条款,表述一定要做到的事,表示“一定会”(promise to)或“将会”(will or to be to)

    例1:The Publisher shall pay the Author...an advance,which shall be a charge of allsums to the Author under this Agreement.






    ① All Hong kong residents shall be equal before law.


    ② The homes and other premises of Hong Kong residents shall be inviolable.Arbitrary or unlawful search of,or in intrusion into,a resident’s home or other premises shall be prohibited.


    ③ The(arbitration)board shall have such jurisdiction and powers as are conferred on it by this or any other Ordinance.


    ④ If the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Seller’s favour as prescribed above,the seller shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or canceling any others at any time on the Buyer’s account and risk.


    ⑤ The landlord shall not be in any way responsible to the Tennant for any damages caused to be said premises or the contents thereof arising as a result of the negligence of any other tenant of the said building.




    ⑥ The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman.Should the Chairman be absent,the vice-Chairman shall,in principle,call and preside over the boardmeeting .




    The carrier shall,before and at the beginning of the voyage,exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy.


    When the goods have been taken over by the carrier or have been loaded on board,the carrier shall,on demand of the shipper,issue to the shipper a bill of loading.

    第二节 英文成对词的用法与翻译



    译文:This contract is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.

    其中的“签订”使用了:made and entered into 动词同义并列,表明是由双方共同制订并在双方之间形成权利和义务关系。


    The contract concluded and entered into under the law shall be protected by the law.

    其中的“成立”使用了:concluded and entered into同义并列表达。

    其他经常可以使用的同义词语并列还有:make and sign:“签订,订立”,terms and conditions:“条款”,cover and include:“包括”等等。


    成对的同义词和近义词简称“成对词”,语义定义:“A binomial is a sequence of two words pertaining to the same form-class,placed on an identical level of syntactic hierarchy,and ordinarily connected some kind of lexical Link.”.



    Under no circumstances shall the company be liable to pay compensation and damages to any person or persons for any loss,injury,or damage whatsoever occasioned by this product or as a result of the use,misuse,or abuse of this product,whether arising in contract or in tort,and all warranty express or implied(save as above)is specifically excluded.

    在该英文法律文本中,就连续使用了6个and 或or 连接词或短语,它们分别是:

    compensation and damages 赔偿或赔偿金(连接近义词,表示互补关系)

    person or persons 一人或多人(连接同义词,表示选择关系)

    injury,or damage 损伤或损坏(连接近义词,表示递进关系)

    misuse,or abuse 误用或滥用(连接近义词,表示递进关系)

    in contract or in tort 在合同中或在侵权行为中(连接相对词,表示补充关系)

    express or implied 明示的或暗示的(连接反义词,表示对照关系)




    the object and purpose of this Agreement 本协定的目的和宗旨

    goods are“of the same class or kind”货物属“同级别或同种类”

    loss or damage 损失或损坏

    benefit or interest 收益或利益

    bond or guarantee 保证书或保函

    liability or obligation under the agreement 协定下的任何责任或义务


    the Member or Members in question 所涉及一个或多个成员

    policy or policies of insurance 一份或多份保险单

    at any other place or places 其他地方或若干地方

    sum or sums 一项或多项费用

    any part or parts of the works 工程的任何一部分或几部分


    “Other duties or charges”omitted from a Schedule 减让表中遗漏的“其他税费”

    duties or obligations 责任或义务

    powers and authorities 权利或职权

    instructions and directions 指示和指令

    ambiguities or discrepancies 多义性或不一致性

    rates and prices 单价和价格


    identical or similar imported goods 相同或类似进口货物

    false and untrue 虚假的和不真实的

    answerable and accountable 应负责任及有责任的

    proper and adequate 合理和恰当的

    separate and independent contract 分立的和独立的合同

    trustworthy and reliable 可靠地;可信任的


    comply with and adhere to 遵守和坚持

    appear or arise 出现或上升

    repair and make good the defective works 修理和修复有缺陷的工程

    delay or disrupt the project 延误或打乱工程

    make and enter into 制定并签订

    govern and construe 规定和解释


    by or on behalf of the domestica industry 由国内产业或代表国内产业提出

    on or before March 15th 在3月15日当天或3月15日前

    touching or concerning the agreement 涉及或与协定有关的

    save and except the risks 除意外风险之外

    with due expedition and without delay 迅速且毫不拖延的

    5.连接词and/or 连接词(下例中有的不是近义词,但却是and连接的法律惯用语)

    The member,as and when called upon to do so in writing 当成员国被书面要求进行该项工作时

    unless and until the contract is terminated 除非合同终止及在合同终止前

    except if and so far as the agreement provides otherwise除非合同另有规定及在合同规定的范围外

    except if and to the extent otherwise provided by the contract除非合同另有规定及在合同规定的范围外

    6.副词词and/or 副词

    benefit or interest therein or thereunder 合同中或合同下的任何收益和利益

    jointly and severally 联合地和个别地

    as soon as practicable and whenever possible 只要可行、可能就尽快

    从语义的角度分析,“成对词”又可以分为“求同型近义词”和“求异型近义词”两类。“求同型近义词”如:null and void(无效),terms and conditions(条款),fit and proper(适合的),false and untrue(虚假、不真实的),extra or additional work(额外或附加的工作),acknowledge and confess(承认),save and except the excepted risks(除意外风险之外),……等。这类词表示平衡关系,目的是为了使法律文本所表达的意思不被曲解。

    “求异型近义词”通常表示互补或递进的关系,如:repair and make good the defective works(修理和修复有缺陷的工程),compensation or damages(补偿或补偿金),touching or concerning the works(涉及或与工程有关的),separate and independent contract(分立的和独立的合同),inspect and examine the site(对现场进行视察和考察),as subsequently rectified,amended or modified(hereinafter referred to as“GATT 1947”)[以后进一步更正、修正或修改(下称“GATT1947”)],等等。


    一般说来,“成对词”中的or 多译为“或”,and多译为“和”,and/or多译为“和/或”,如:Any significant changes and/or developments in the agreements should be reported as they occur.(协议中任何重大变更和/或进展一发生即应报告。)

    夏康明(2007)认为:翻译英文法律文本“成对词”一定要清楚近义词完全同义还是部分同义。如果完全同义,可以采取综合的方法,找出合适的中文概况词,涵盖其他的并列近义词;反之,则应认真体会其差异,将其正确译出;但如果这类词语如果表示的意思是平衡的,有时也不必把每个词都译出来。如:affirm and confirm(确认),而具有递进关系的词语则需要全部译出,如:rectify,amend or modify(更正、修正或更改)。


    1.The contract is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.



    分析:原译中分别漏译了原文中的made(制定合同)和between(在……之间),改译将其补上。英文原句中使用by and between是为了特别强调:本合同是由合同的甲方和乙方之间制定并由双方签署,而不涉及到第三方,因此双方必须严格遵守“有约必守”的神圣契约责任。

    2.No work shall be covered up or put out of view without the approval of the Engineer.



    分析:原译漏译了“掩藏”,covered up 和 put out of views 虽然意思接近,但仍然存在意差。covered up 多指将地下工程覆盖起来,而put out of view 则用来指承包人将其可能不合格的工程暂时掩藏起来,将其置于工程师的视野之外,以逃避工程师的质量检查。


    3.Panels shall be composed of well-qualified governmental and/or non-governmental individuals who have experience in issues related to the General Agreement on Trade in Services and/or trade in services,including associated regulatory matters.Panelists shall serve in their individual capacities and not as representatives of any government or organization.


    分析:上文出现了两个由and/or同时连接的词语,它们分别是:well-qualified governmental and/or non-governmental individuals(具有经验的资深政府和/或非政府个人)和the General Agreement on Trade in Services and/or trade in services(《服务贸易总协定》和/或服务贸易)。由and/or同时连接的词语表示的是两种选择,以well-qualified governmental and/or non-governmental individuals为例,第一层意思是:具有经验的资深政府和或非政府个人;第二层意思是:具有经验的资深政府或非政府个人。两种选择可择其一。

    第三节 模糊词语的功能与翻译






    法律规范的概括性是指法律规范为一般人的行为提供了一个模式、标准或方向,它的对象是抽象的、一般的人,而不是具体的、特定的人,它是在同样的情况下可以反复适用,而不是只适用一次(范健等1995:291)。以美国宪法(The Constitution of the United States of America)第五修正案(Amendment V)规定为例:

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital,or otherwise infamous crime,

    unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury,...nor shall any person be subjectfor the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.(除非受到大陪审团之起诉,任何人不得被强制回答死罪或其他重大罪行……任何人不得对同一罪名,受到生命或人身多重惩罚;也不得在任何刑事案件中,被强制作为反对自己之证人。)

    这里“any person(任何人)”与“any criminal case(任何刑事案件)”有着最大的概括性,同时也有极大的模糊性;概括性有助于增强包容性,但同时也导致了模糊性。
















    ...and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan,leading,over a period of time,to a final resolution...(它(美国)准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。)

    The two sides will maintain contact and hold appropriate consultations on bilateral and international issues of common interest.(双方将就共同关心的双边问题和国际问题保持接触并进行适当的磋商。)

    对于究竟何时停止向台出售武器,用gradually reduce(逐步减少),而未说明具体时间maintain contact(保持接触)和hold appropriate consultations(进行适当的磋商)都是模糊词语,用来表示一些未定的概念。谁也说不出它们究竟意味着多大程度,但在这里用却是恰如其分,非常贴切,这比用精确的数字表示得更准确,也更有说服力。(肖云枢,2001)





    My lord,I take the strongest possible objection to the course proposed by my learned friend.


    Unless this account is paid within next ten days,we will take further measures.


    这句话中的“take further measures”就是模糊词语。律师完全可以用“start legal proceedings”或“bring suit”等词语来取代,但律师并没有这样做,因为他认为这个时候把话说得如此肯定,还为时过早,就采取一种模糊的说法。类似的例子在法律事务中举不胜举。



    Whoever commits arson,breaches a dike,causes explosion,spreads poison or uses other dangerous means to sabotage any factory,mine,oilfield,harbor,river,water source,warehouse,house,forest,farm,threshing grounds,pasture,key pipeline,public building or any other public or private property,thereby endangering public security but causing no serious consequences,shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.


    这里使用的“other”就是一个典型模糊词语,在列举了主要的犯罪手段和破坏项目之后,再加上“other dangerous means”和“other public of private property”这样的模糊词语,就使这一规定有了一定的限定性与概括性,使表义更加严密,从而更大限度地打击犯罪。如果把模糊词语省略掉或改用确切词语,这一方面会使立法失去严谨性,另一方面也很有可能使现实生活中的大量违法犯罪逃脱法律的制裁。(肖云枢,2001)





    We the People of the United States,in order to form a more perfect Union,establish Justice,insure domestic Tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general Welfare,and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.




    After a contract becomes invalid or is rescinded,any property obtained under the contract shall be returned.If it is impossible or unnecessary to return the property,compensation shall be made at an estimated price.


    The probation period for suspension of criminal detention shall be not less than the term originally decided but not more than one year,however,it may not be less than two months.

    汉语中的“不能”、“没有必要”、“少于”和英语中的“impossible”,“unnecessary”,“less than”可谓是模糊对模糊。


    In case of any accident of special equipment,the unit where the accident happens shall take immediate and effective measures and organize the rescue to prevent the accident from spreading and to reduce the casualties and property losses.It shall also make a prompt and truthful report to……


    The registered capital shall generally be represented in Renminbi,or may be in a foreigncurrency agreed upon by the parties to the joint ventures.





    The seller are allowed to load 5% more or less and the price shall be calculated according to the unit price.


    句中模糊词语“more or less”没有直译为“多装或少装”,而是意译为专业术语“溢短装”。

    The parties shall observe the principle of good faith in exercising their rights and fulfilling the obligations.


    句中模糊词语“good faith”翻译成汉语成语“诚实信用”。

    The production and business operating plans of an equity joint venture shall be submitted to the competent authorities for record and shall be implemented through economic contract.






    If either party is prevented from executing the contract by such causes of Force Majeure as typhoon,earthquake or other events agreed upon by both parties,the time for the execution of the contract shall be extended by a period to the effect of those causes.


    The procuration of women and girls for purposes of prostitution,and the causing and encouraging of such persons to prostitute themselves,are offences punishable by terms of imprisonment。



    A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound incase of acceptance.



    But for many,the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.


    原文中“many”本身就是一个表达模糊的数词,在翻译时如果把它对译成“许多”,读者会觉得译者交待得不够彻底。因此,在此处增加“人”这样会使整个结构变得清楚、明朗。另外在处理“as they did with it”结构时有必要将“as,they,it”等表示模糊概念的代词用汉语的实词表现出来以减少理解和表达上的歧义。

    A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer to be bound in case of acceptance.


    法律意义中“要约”涉及到要约人和受要约人双方。该意思表示经受要约人承诺后,要约人就受该意思表示的约束。而原文中并没表明要约涉及的双方,意义较模糊。因此对短语“the intention of the offer to be bound”的翻译此处应添加“要约人受该意思表示的约束”,而介词短语“in case of acceptance”应翻译为“和受要约人承诺”,使其符合法律条文的意义。

    The procuration of women and girls for purposes of prostitution,and the causing and encouraging of such persons to prostitute themselves,are offences punishable byterms of imprisonment.




    对于一些在原文中并不具有实际意义的或者是为了不留漏洞、起防患于未然作用的模糊表达,在翻译中可以省略。例如下句中的“with respect to”和“the objectives of”:

    The parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other’s rights under this contract and to adapt all reasonable measures to ensure the realizations of the objectives of this contract.


    同样,下句中的“if any”也没有翻译出来。

    We as the Seller reserve the right to lodge a claim for direct losses sustained,if any.


    Mr.Justice Douglas rejected the death penalty because it was administered in such a way as to discriminate against unpopular minorities.


    原文中的“in such a way”并没有指出死刑执行的具体方法,因而是一个模糊概念。如果照字面译出,势必不符合译文的语法习惯。在此使用省略法,使其更符合中文的表达习惯。



    It’s two and two makes four that the parties shall,pursuant to law,have the right to enter into a contract on their own free will,and no unit or person may unlawfully interfere.


    原文中的“two and two makes four”是确切词语,这里译作模糊词语“很明显”。


    This section sets out the scope of the installations covered by these specifications as well as specially required supplies and service,but without excluding other necessary components and services not mentioned.


    原文中的“without excluding”重新释义为“还应该包括”。

    The state constitution provides that it is lawful for the citizens to carry guns.In recent years hundreds and hundreds of innocent people have died of this and one need not look for a lesson.


    原文中的“hundreds and hundreds of”的基本意思是“几百”、“几千”这里译成“成千上万”更符合原文的夸张程度。

    第四节 法律英语文本常用句型的汉译


    一、“unless otherwise”的翻译

    Unless otherwise:除外。比“if not”和“otherwise”表达正式。该词由两个同义词“unless”和“otherwise”组成,有代词作用,后面一般跟动词的过去分词限定,意为:除非……另……。

    如:“除非合同另有规定”可译为“unless otherwise specified in the Contract",又如:“除非信用证另有规定”可译为“unless otherwise specified in the Letter of Credit.”


    1.These articles shall apply to documentary credits,including stand by letters of credit,to the extent to which the credits in question shall be applicable,and shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract,unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties thereto.


    2.Unless otherwise stipulated herein,any charges and commissions in respect to negotiation of drafts under this credit prior to presentation to us to be collected from beneficiary.


    3.Unless otherwise stipulated in the Letter of Credit,the expression “shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or latest shipment date shall be understood to include to the expression “loading on board”,“dispatch” and “taking in charge”.


    4.Unless otherwise agreed in writing,the price does not include VAT,and is not subject to price adjustment.


    5.In this Ordinance,Unless the context otherwise requires,“state” means a territory or group of territories having its own law of nationality.(Law of Hong Kong,Cap.30,Wills Ordinance,Art.2)


    6.In case of L/C transactions,Bill of Lading/Air Waybill must accompany Invoice and Packing List in triplicate and show L/C NO.,PO No.and date unless otherwise specified and be forwarded immediately by airmail after fax.




    1.The arbitral tribunal shall have power to issue such an order unless a party raises justifiable grounds for objection.


    2.Any State may declare that it is opposed to such service within its territory,unless the document is to be served upon a national of the State in which the documents originate.


    3.…withdrawal of the demand or of the election of a contracting state shall,unless the national law of that state provides otherwise,be considered to be withdrawal of the international application as far as that state is concerned.


    “unless”有时也被译成“除……之外” 或类似词语,如:

    4.No contracting party shall levy any anti-dumping or countervailing duty on the importation of any product of the territory of another contracting party unless it determines that the effect of the dumping or subsidization,as the case may be,is such as to cause or threaten material injury to an established domestic industry,or is such as to retard materially the establishment of a domestic industry.


    5.Unless the treaty otherwise provides,an objection to a reservation may be with-drawn at any time.


    6.The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate,but shall have no vote,unless they be equally divided.


    7.As a general rule,no special duty or penalty should be imposed by any contracting party for failure to comply with marking requirements prior to importation unless corrective marking is unreasonably delayed or deceptive marks have been affixed or the required marking has been intentionally omitted.



    8.Persons sued on a cheque cannot set up against the holder defences founded on their personal relations with the drawer or with the previous holders,unless the holder in acquiring the cheque has knowingly acted to the detriment of the debtor.


    9.The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.


    10.…a real action relating to private immovable property situated in the territory of the receiving state,unless he holds it on behalf of the sending state for the purposes of the mission;



    11.Except where the parties have agreed otherwise,the goods do not conform with the contract unless they:


    三、“in accordance with”;“under”;“pursuant to”的翻译

    这三个词组都作“根据”,“按照”解,是法律文件中常用的词组,比“according to”正式。试看例文:

    1.On the FOB basis,the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the contract.


    2.Disputes shall be adjudicated by a DAB in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.4[Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision].


    3.When,under the laws and approval from the rele-vant authorities,a limited liability company is converted into a company limited by shares,the total amount which shares are converted into shall be equivalent to the amount of the company’s net assets.


    4.We instruct the Council for TRIPS to take the necessary action to give effect to this pursuant to Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement.


    5.The trustee has a duty to pay money and transfer property only to persons who are entitled pursuant to the trust.


    6.We reaffirm the commitment of developed-country Members to provide incentives to their enterprises and institutions to promote and encourage technology transfer to leastdeveloped country Members pursuant to Article 66.2.


    四、“provided that”的翻译

    由provided that引导的从句常作为限制性条款,位于一项法律条款结尾。该句式与中文法律中的限制性条款的表述方式具有很强的可对译性,通常情况下可以将其译为但书句,特定情况下将其译为“如……”的条件分句。例如:

    1.An irrevocable credit shall be deemed to constitute a definite under taking of the issuing bank.Provided that if the stipulated documents are presented and are complied with the terms,conditions and provisions of the credit,and if the credit provides for sight payment,the payment shall be made or shall be guaranteed to be made.


    2.Members shall give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.Members may,but shall not be obliged to,implement in their law more extensive protection than is required by this Agreement,provided that such protection does not contravene the provisions of this Agreement.(Article 8,TRIPs)


    3.Members may,in formulating or amending their law and regulations,adopt measures necessary to protect public health and nutrition.and to promote the public interest in sectors of vital importance to their socio-economic and technological development provided that such measures are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.(Article l,TRIPs)


    4.This Agreement commences on the date the last party signs it and expires after 3 years,unless it is terminated earlier as provided in this Agreement.At the expiration of thisAgreement,the parties may negotiate a renewal or extension of the term,provided that the Party B is in full compliance with this Agreement at that time.


    5.Whenever a Member other than the consulting Members considers that it has a substantial trade interest in consultations being heid pursuant to paragraph l of Article XXII of GATT 1994.Paragraph l of Article XXII of“GATS or the corresponding provisions in other covered agreements,such Member may notify the consulting Members and the DSB,within 10 days after the date of the circulation of the request for consultations under said Article,of its desire to be joined in the consultations.Such Member shall be joined in the consultations,provided that the Member to which the request for consultations was addressed agrees that the claim of substantial interest is well-founded,(Article 4,DSU)

    分析:该条款由两个复合句构成,虽然provided引导的分句位于后一复合句的句末,但应当注意的是,其所作出的限制是针对前一复合句中的substantial interest做出的,即只有满足了“被请求磋商一方认为其实质利益的主张确有理由”这一条件,该成员才能参与磋商。若仍将其作为但书句在句末译出,则将割裂该分句与上一复合句的逻辑联系。因此,由provided引导的状语从句应翻译为“如……”或者“如果”,置于后一复合句的主句之前,这是中文法律中表述限制性条款的又一种方式。

    该条款可译为:如进行磋商的成员以外的一成员认为按照GATT 1994第22条第1款和GATS第22条第1款或其他适用协定的相关规定所进行的磋商涉及其实质贸易利益,则该成员可在依上述条款进行磋商的请求散发之日起l0天内,将其参加磋商的愿望通知进行磋商的成员和DSB。如磋商请求所针对的成员同意其实质利益的主张确有理由,则该成员应被允许参加磋商。

    五、“in respect of”的翻译

    在法律英语中,如果要表达一个与某事物有关的概念,最常用的词就是in respect of。但由于该词本身灵活性强、黏附性与词俱来,而正式程度又高,故在法律英文中往往被过度使用。通常把它翻译成“有关”和“就”。例如:

    1.The seller is obligated to warrant that the buyer will be free from any third party claim against it in respect of the subject matter delivered,except otherwise provided by law.


    2.Under the sales contract concluded by the lessor according to the lessee’s election of the seller and the lease item,the seller shall deliver the subject matter to the lessee in accordance with the contract,and the lessee enjoys the rights of the buyer in respect of taking delivery of the subject matter.


    3.For the purpose of the Landlord and the Tenant Ordinance and for the purpose of these presents the rent in respect of the said premises shall be deemed to be in arrear if not paid in advance as stipulated by Clause 1 hereof.


    in respect of 有时也可以翻译为“对于”。

    4.The Licensor shall conduct all legal proceedings in respect of any infringement or alleged infringement of the Licensed Trademarks and any claim or counterclaim brought or threatened to be brought in connection with the use or registration of the Licensed Trademarkes.


    5.The Licensee shall,at the request of the Licensor and at the Licensor’s expense,give full cooperation to the Licensor in any action or claim brought or threatened to be brought in respect of the Licensed Trademarks,including joining in as a party to any proceedings.



    在法律英语中,save 是一个与 except(for)相同的介词,汉语翻译为“除……外”,不管save还是 except(for),之后都可以跟一个名词性短语,也可以跟一个从句或者另一个介词短语。香港的法律常用save,而内地法律常用except/except for来表达“除……之外”的意思。下面分别举几个例子。

    1.Save as is provided in this Ordinance,no claim within the jurisdiction of the Board shall be actionable in any court.


    2.Save as provided in subsection(2)……


    3.任何单位或个人实施他人专利的,除本法第十四条规定的以外,都必须与专利权人订立书面实施许可合同,向专利权人支付专利使用费。(专利法 第12条)

    Except as provided in Article 14 of this Law,any entity or individual exploiting the patent of another must conclude a written contract with the patentee and pay the patentee a fee for the exploitation of its or his patent ……

    4.除依照本法第七十五条的规定作出保留外,承运人或者代其签发提单的人签发的提单,是承运人已经按照提单所载状况收到货物或者货物已经装船的初步证据;……(海商法 第77条)

    Except for the note made in accordance with the provisions of Article 75 of this Code,the bill of lading issued by the carrier or the other person acting on his behalf is prima facie evidence of the taking over or loading by the carrier of the goods as described therein,……

    注意:save/except as(is)provided/stipulated 可以用另一个法律上常用的句式:unless otherwise provided/stipulated 取代,功能与其相同。例如:

    5)Unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance,no claim within the jurisdiction of the Board shall be actionable in any court.


    七、“for the purpose(s)of”的翻译

    “for the purpose(s)of”一般首选的翻译是“就……而言”,例如:

    1.For the purposes of this Law,the one-person company with limited liability means a company with limited liability where there is only one shareholder who is a natural person or a legal person.


    2.For the purpose of this Agreement,“control” shall mean either the ownership of fiftyone percent or more of the ordinary share capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings or the power to nominate a majority of the board of directors of the Company.


    3.For the purposes of subsection(2),“land” does not include incorporeal hereditament;


    4.For the purposes of subsection(1)permission shall be in writing.


    其次,“for the purpose(s)of”可以翻译为“为了……目的”。例如:

    5.A judge may,on the application of an appellant who is in custody,order the appellant to be brought up to the court in custody for the purpose of attending his appeal or any application or any proceeding therein.



    These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of copyright owner of computer software,of adjusting the interests arising from the development,dissemination and use of computer software,of encouraging the development and circulation of computer software,and of promoting the development of computer application.

    第三,“for the purpose(s)of”可以翻译为“基于”,例如:

    7.For the purpose of the Landlord and the Tenant Ordinance and for the purpose of these presents the rent in respect of the said premises shall be deemed to be in arrear if not paid in advance as stipulated by Clause 1 hereof.


    8.For the purpose of these presents any act default or omission of the agents servants workmen or licensees of the Tenant shall be deemed to be the act default or omission of the Tenant.


    有时,“for the purpose(s)of”可以翻译为“为了实施该(条法例)”。

    For the purposes of subsection(1)of this section the attestation of a will by a person to whom or to whose spouse there is given or made any such disposition as is described in that subsection shall be disregarded if the will is duly executed without his attestation and without that of any other such person.


    八、“without prejudice to”的翻译

    “without prejudice to”这个短语的功能相当于without affecting.,在汉语中,其意思相当于“在不损害……的原则下”、“在不影响……的情况下”、“……不受影响”、“不妨碍……”、以及“不规限……”等等。例如:

    1.Without prejudice to section 24,the following shall be treated as properly executed


    2.Without prejudice to your powers and discretions,we hereby authorize you or your agents to take any actions including but not limited to the following:


    3.The Party A shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Party A’s right to claim compensations.


    4.Without prejudice to the rights of the Attorney General every complainant or informant shall be at liberty to conduct the complaint or information respectively and to have the witnesses examined and cross-examined by him or by counsel on his behalf.



    Notwithstanding在法律英语中的翻译与although,though,even if使用并没有太大区别,基本上都可以翻译成“尽管……”,“即使……”,表示一种让步,但是它引导的并不是让步状语从句,而只是一个名词性短语。例如:

    1.Notwithstanding any law or practice to the contrary,it shall be lawful for,the court in any proceedings for an offence under Part II comment on the failure of the accused to give evidence on oath.


    2.Notwithstanding the provision in the Constitution of the United States,that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged,the black man has never had the right either to keep or bear arms;and the Legislatures of the States will still have the power to forbid it,under this Amendment.


    3.Notwithstanding Clause 2.1 above the gear and equipment,including outboard motors,are covered subject to the provisions of this insurance while in place of storage or repair ashore.


    尤其在合同翻译,尤其是英译中时,我们经常可以见到“notwithstanding the foregoing”之类的句子,通常这类句子可以直接译为“尽管有上述规定”。例如:

    4.Notwithstanding the foregoing,this Agreement is governed by Missouri law.


    注意:Notwithstanding最典型的用法和 subject to…,for the purpose of相似,后面跟的总是law/ordinance或者section/subsection之类法律或者法律条款的指代词,对应的汉语就是千篇一律的“尽管有……法例/条款的规定”。例如:

    5.Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106,the following are not infringements of copyright:


    十、“any person who does shall”的翻译

    在界定何种行为属于违法以及应受到怎样的处罚时,“any person who does…(shall)…”是最简洁明了的表达句型,这是法律文本中判处罪犯的一个基本句式。在句法上,这个句型通常会把主语和谓语用逗号分开,中间加插一个定语修饰词。例如:

    1.Any person who,without lawful authority or reasonable excuse,while having dealings of any kind with any other public body,offers any advantage to any public servantemployed by that public body,shall be guilty of an offence.


    2.Any person who,on board a railway train,picks quarrels,stirs up troubles or insults any woman to a flagrant extent shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 160 of the Criminal Law;any person who extorts money or other property from any other passenger by blackmail shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 154 of the Criminal Law.


    3.Article 30.Where any person who uses a registered trademark has committed any of the following,the Trademark Office shall order him to rectify the situation within a specified period or even cancel the registered trademark:

    第三十条 使用注册商标,有下列行为之一的,由商标局责令限期改正或者撤销其注册商标:

    4.Any person who carries dynamite or detonator or who illegally carries firearms,bullets or controlled knives into a railway station or on board a train shall be investigated for criminal responsibility with reference to Article 163 of the Criminal Law.


    5.Article 34.Where any person who uses an unregistered trademark has committed any of the following,the local administrative authority for industry and commerce shall stop the use of the trademark,order him to rectify the situation within a specified period,and may,in addition,circulate a notice of criticism or impose a fine:

    第三十四条 使用未注册商标,有下列行为之一的,由地方工商行政管理部门予以制止,限期改正,并可以予以通报或者处以罚款:

    与“Any person who does shall”相对应的句式为“Whoever…is to be sentenced to not more/less than *** year(s)of fixed-term imprisonment/life imprisonment/death”.表达为“凡是/任何人……即属犯罪,一经定罪(一经公诉判决),可处(罚款……和)监禁……年。”例如:

    Whoever sets fires,breaches,dikes,causes explosions,spreads poisons,or uses other dangerous means that lead to people’s serious injuries or death or cause public or private property to suffer major losses is to be sentenced to not less than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment,life imprisonment or death.


    Whoever commits the crimes in the preceding paragraph negligently is to be sentenced to not more than seven years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention.

    过失犯前款罪的,处7年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。”(刑事诉讼法 第106条)

    十一、“subject to”的用法与翻译

    Subject含义多种多样,以subject to搭配的形式使用的在词典中只有形容词和副词两种情况。subject to一般有两种用法:一、以介词短语形式出现,后跟“agreement”,“contract”“regulations”等法律文件名或文件中特定条款名等名词配合使用;通常可翻译成“根据……规定”及“在不抵触……的情况下”;二、以介词短语/动词短语(be subjected to,较少见)出现,后接法律文书或条款以外的其他名词;一般译为“使……面临/遭受……”或“……服从或接受”等,例如:

    1.Subject to the provisions of Clause 5.4.1,the contributions of Party A and Party B to the Company’s registered capital shall be made in one instalment by no later than six(6)months after the Establishment Date.The Parties shall make their respective capital contributions to the registered capital of the Company on the same date.



    The Employee shall be subject to the reasonable arrangement and direction by appropriate officers of the Company.

    再以《新牛津英语词典》为例,形容词subject第一类用法中在“predict”的语法性质说明和subject to的搭配注释之后列示了3个义项:

    1.likely or prone to be affected by(a particular condition or occurrence,typically an unwelcome or unpleasant one):he was subject to bouts of manic depression.《新英汉词典》译释为“易受/常遭/易患……的”,但排为第2个义项。)

    2.dependent or conditional upon:the proposed merger is subject to the approval of the shareholders(新英汉》分为第3、4两个义项,译释为“有待于/须经/需要……的、可有/将会……的”和“取决于……的、视……而定的”。)

    3.under the authority of:ministers are subject to the laws of the land.(《新英汉》列为第1个义项,译释为“臣服的、隶属的、从属的;服从的;受支配的”。)

    副词只有一个义项,在搭配注释subject to之后《新牛津》释义为“在……条件下”,但在例句“We shall go ahead,subject to your approval.”之后的译文却是一种“意译”的结果:“你一批准,我们就开始干。”)


    赵德玉等(2005)通过调查研究,将subject to的翻译归纳为以下4种情况:


    例1:Subject to sub-paragraph(b)of the first paragraph of This article,the document may always be served by delivery to an Addressee who accepts it voluntarily.


    例2:Every trademark duly registered in the country of origin shall be accepted for filing and protected as in the other countries of the Union,subject to the reservations indicated in this article.


    例3:Subject to the provisions of paragraph 9,substantially The same duties and other regulations of commerce are applied by each of the members of the union to the trade of territories not Included in the union.


    例4:(b)duties or taxes on private immovable property situated In the territory of the receiving State,subject to the provisions of Article 32;


    例5:Subject to the provisions of paragraph 9,substantially The same duties and other regulations of commerce are applied by each of the members of the union to the trade of territories not included in the union.


    例6:(b)duties or taxes on private immovable property situated In the territory of the receiving State,subject to the provisions of Article 32;


    例7:(I)subject to the practices and procedures obtaining in the receiving State,representing or arranging appropriate representation for nationals of the sending State before the tribunals and other authorities of the receiving State,for the purpose of obtaining,in accordance with the laws and regulations of the receiving State,provisional measures for the preservation of the rights and interests of these nationals,where,because of absence or any other reason,such nationals are unable at the proper time to assume the defense of their rights and interests;




    例1:Where the use of this Treaty results in effects under a regional treaty,Article 18(2)to(5)shall apply must and is and subject to the following provisions.


    例2:Furthermore,the country on whose territory the organization has its headquarters shall,subject to the provisions of Article25(7)(b),have an official seat on the committee.


    例3:In order to attain the objectives described in Article 3,the organization,through its appropriate organs,and subject to the competence of each of the Unions:


    例4:The parties may exclude the application of this Convention or,subject to article12,derogate from or vary the effect of any of its provisions.


    例5:It may be inspected only if there is serious reason to believe that it contains articles other than those referred to in subparagraph(b)of paragraph 1of this Article,or articles the import or export of which is prohibited by the laws and regulations of the receiving State or which are subject to its quarantine laws and regulations.


    例6:…… such registration shall become independent of the national mark registered earlier in the country of origin,subject to the following provisions.


    例7:The provisions of the foregoing paragraphs shall apply subject to Article 6 quarter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.



    例1:This Protocol shall be signed and shall be subject to ratification or acceptance,or may be acceded to,as if the provisions of Article VIII of the Convention applied hereto.


    例2:The indication of classes given by the applicant shall be subject to control by the International Bureau,which shall exercise the said control in association with the national office.


    例3:The International Bureau shall issue to any person applying there for,subject to a fee fixed by the Regulations,a copy of the entries in the Register relating to a specific mark.


    例4:Subject to the payment of a surcharge fixed by the Regulations,a period of grace of six months shall be granted for renewal of the international registration.



    《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中有一处将subject to 译成了“易于”。

    例1:If the goods are subject to rapid deterioration or their preservation would involve unreasonable expense,a party who is bound to preserve the goods in accordance with article 85 or 86 must take reasonable measures to sell them.


    第五节 法律文本“如果”句式的翻译

    在法律文本中,一般有四种方式可以不用“if”表达“如果”的假设关系,其中最常见的是“where”,其次是“when”,再次为“in the event”,最后为“should”。

    1.Where the borrower failed to repay the loan at the prescribed time,it shall pay delayed repayment interest in accordance with the contract or the relevant stipulations of the state.

    如果借款人未按照约定的期限返还借款的,应当按照约定或者国家有关规定支付逾期利息。(合同法 第二百零七条)

    2.Where an employee is granted any period of annual leave,the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on which he is next paid his wages after that period.


    3.Where a defendant is fined and the same is not forthwith paid,the magistrate mayorder the defendant to be searched.


    4.Where a claimant has a claim which exceeds the monetary amount mentioned in the Schedule and which,but for the excess,would be within the jurisdiction of the Board,the claimant may abandon the excess,and thereupon the Board shall have jurisdiction to inquire into,hear and determine the claim.


    5.When one party of the transaction makes a request for a pricelist,a catalogue,samples,quotation,proforma invoice and other terms so as to have a general idea of the commodities,he is making a general enquiry.


    6.In case of any discrepancy,the Chinese Language text shall prevail.


    7.In case of Force Majeure the Sellers shall not held responsible for delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall notify immediately the Buyers and deliver to the Buyers by registered mail a certificate issued by government authorities or Chamber of Commerce as evidence thereof.If the shipment is delayed over one month as the consequence of the said Force Majeure,the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this Contract.Sellers’ inability in obtaining export licence shall not be considered as Force Majeure.


    8.In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation,the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade,Beijing,China,for arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure.The arbitral award is final and binding,upon both parties.


    9.In the event of a breach,there is a greater chance that a court will enforce explicit terms.


    10.In the event of the Sellers’ failure in effecting shipment upon arrival of the vessel at the loading port,all losses,including dead freight,demurrage fines etc.thus incurred shall be for Sellers’ account.If the vessel fails to arrive at the loading port within the laydays.previously declared by the shipping agent,the storage charges and insurance premium from the 16th day after expiration of the free storage time at the port shall be borne by the Buyers.However,the Sellers shall be still under the obligation to load the goods on board the carrying vessel immediately after her arrival at the loading port,at their own expenses and risks.The expenses and losses mentioned above shall be reimbursed against original receipts or invoices.


    11.Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Contract owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause(14)of this Contract,the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the relative quantity of the contract,Or alternatively,the Sellers may,with the Buyers’ consent,postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyers.The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of 15 days.Penalty shall be calculated from the 16th day and shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved.


    12.Should other buyers in the territory under exclusivity approach Party A for the purchase of the above-mentioned goods,Party A should refer them to Party B.


    13.Should the Buyers not open the L/C within the time stipulated in the contract or the L/C opened not correspond to the contract terms and the Sellers fail to amend after receipt of the notification by the Sellers,the Sellers shall have the right to cancel the contract or to delay the delivery of the goods and shall also have the right to lodge claims for compensation.


    第六节 法律文本中“的”字结构的英译

    语言学家雅可布逊所说:某一语言的语法形式体现了该语言民族的生活经验。(The grammatical pattern of a language [as opposed to its lexical stock] determines those aspects of each experience that must be expressed in the given language.)与英语注重形合(hypotaxis)相比,汉语注重意合(parataxis),所以无主语条款是法律汉语的一种特征。







    1.Anyone one who infringes upon a citizen’s person and causes him physical injury shall pay his medical expenses and his loss in income due to missed working time and shall pay him living subsidies if he is disabled;

    2.Any person who pollutes the environment and causes damages to others in violation of state provisions for environmental protection and the prevention of pollution shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law。

    3.A person who causes harm in exercising justifiable defense shall not bear civil liability。

    4.In activities involving negotiable instruments.people shall comply with law,and administrative rules and regulations and shall not jeopardize public interests.


    译文:Anyone who instigates another to commit a crime shall be punished according to the role he plays in a joint crime.Anyone who instigates a person who is under the age of 18 to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment.

    可见,是用“any person”,“anyone”,“a person”and“people”补全主语。美国《纽约州刑法》里也有类似的表达,例如:

    5.A person may be prosecuted for conspiracy in the county in which he entered into such a conspiracy…

    6.A person is guilty of tampering with a juror in the first degree,when,with intent to influence the outcome of an action or proceedings,he communicates with a juror in such action or proceedings,except authorized by law.


    1.译成由if引导的条件状语从句,强调一种假设的情况。译成if句式多为假设在某一法律过程中如果发生了某种情况(多为违法的),而下文则表示“该承担……责任”,或“履行……法律程序”,或“执行……法律规定”;“in case”、“in the event of”句式和“if”相似,但强调后果的严重性及执行某法律程序的必然性。与前两者相比,“if”最常用,表示频率高的情况。例如:


    If,without justification,a company fails to commence business more than six months after establishment or ceases for more than six consecutive months after commencing business,it shall have its business license revoked by the company registration authorities.


    If,as a result of the withdrawal or any other reasons,an arbitrator is unable to perform his duties as an arbitrator,an other arbitrator shall,in accordance with the provisions of this Law,be selected or appointed.


    If,in accordance with this Law,a company fails to make allocations to its statutory common reserve fund or its statutory common welfare fund,the company shall be ordered to make up the exact amount which should have been allocated and shall also be subject to a fine of at least RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB 100,000.


    If an offer is not made orally,the acceptance shall reach the offer or within a reasonable period of time.


    If a person is not given criminal punishment because he has not reached the age of 16,the head of his family or his guardian shall be ordered to discipline him.When necessary,he may be taken in by the government for rehabilitation.


    If a person’s acts of justifiable defense obviously exceeds the limits of necessity and causes serious damage,he shall bear criminal responsibility;however,he shall be given a mitigated Punishment or be exempted from Punishments.


    If,a unit causes a fishery pollution accident or a ship causes a water pollution accident,the fishery supervision and administration department or the navigation administration office of the communications department in the place where the accident occurs shall impose a fine on the unit or ship in light of the consequent damage and loss.


    If any person or unit stores,transports or treats urban house refuse against the provisions of this Law,he or it shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council regarding environmental protection and urban environmental sanitation.



    When accepting a bill of exchange,the drawee shall write “accepted” and the date of acceptance on the front of the bill and sign it.


    When a foreign company withdraws its branches from Chinese territory,it shall,in accordance with law,repay its debts and shall,in accordance with the provisions of the relevant company liquidation procedures set out in this Law,carry out liquidation.


    When rights together with obligations are transferred,the provisions of Article 79,Articles 81 to 83,and Articles 85 to 87 of this Laws hall apply.


    Where the contents of a commercial advertisement comply with the terms,provisions and conditions of the offer,it shall be deemed to be an offer.


    The contractor shall,unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties,hereto use its own equipment,technology and labor force to complete the principal part of the works.Where the contractor assign the contracted works to a third part for completion,the contractor shall be responsible to ordering party in respect of the results of work completed by the third party.Where the assignment is not agreed and approved by the ordering party,the assignment is not agreed and approved by the ordering party,the ordering party may rescind the contract.


    Where a contract may become effective only after the completion of approval and registration procedure according to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations,such provisions shall govern.


    Where either party to a cooperative development contract violates the contract and causes a standstill,delay of failure in the research and development work,the party in question shall be liable for the breach of contract.


    Where a person obtains the doctor’s license by illegitimate means,the administrative department for health that granted the license shall revoke it;


    Where accounting vouches or account books are counterfeited or altered,or false financial and accounting reports are prepared,and therefore a crime is constituted,criminal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with law.



    Whoever meets one of the following requirements may take the examinations for the qualifications of a licensed doctor.


    Whoever disseminates pornographic materials to a minor under the age of 18 shall be given a heavier punishment.

    3)第一百零二条 勾结外国,危害中华人民共和国的主权、领土完整和安全的,处无期徒刑或者十年以上有期徒刑。

    Article 102 Whoever colludes with a foreign State to endanger the sovereignty,territorial integrity and security of the People’s Republic of China shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years.


    Whoever commits the crime prescribed in the preceding paragraph in collusion with any organ,organization or individual outside the territory of China shall be punished according to the provisions in the preceding paragraph.


    Anyone who has reached the level of a graduate from the faculty of medicine of a university or a polytechnic school and,under the guidance of a licensed doctor,worked on probation for at least one year in the medical treatment,disease prevention or health care institution may take the examinations for the qualifications of an assistant doctor.


    Any creditor,which has the right to make guarantee on the particular assets of its debtor and has not given up the priority right to be repaid,may not enjoy the right to vote for any matter as prescribed in items(7)and(10)of paragraph 1 of 2 Article 61 of the present Law.


    Anyone that is in violation of the related law or administrative regulations on finance shall be punished and sanctioned in accordance with related laws or administrative regulations.


    Anyone that intentionally commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility.

    9)第六条 凡在中华人民共和国领域内犯罪的,除法律有特别规定的以外,都适用本法。

    Article 6 This Law shall be applicable to anyone who commits a crime within the territory and territorial waters and space of the People’s republic of China,except as otherwise specifically provided by law.

    10)第五十条 判处死刑缓期执行的,在死刑缓期执行期间,如果没有故意犯罪,二年期满以后,减为无期徒刑;如果确有重大立功表现,二年期满以后,减为十五年以上二十年以下有期徒刑;如果故意犯罪,查证属实的,由最高人民法院核准,执行死刑。

    Article 50 Anyone who is sentenced to death with a suspension of execution commits no intentional crime during the period of suspension,his punishment shall be commuted to life imprisonment upon the expiration of the two-year period;if he has truly performed major meritorious service,his punishment shall be commuted to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 15 years but not more than 20 years upon the expiration of the two-year period;if it is verified that he has committed an intentional crime,the death penalty shall be executed upon verification and approval of the Supreme People’s Court.


    4.1 译成几个并列的简单句,例如:


    ① 不履行基金管理机构规定的评审职责的;

    ② 未依照本条例规定申请回避的;

    ③ 披露未公开的与评审有关的信息的;

    In case any of the following acts committed by an evaluation expert,…

    ① He fails to perform the appraising duties as prescribed by the fund management organ;

    ② He fails to apply for withdrawal in accordance with these Regulations;

    ③ He reveal the information on the evaluation that has not been publicized;


    ① 不按照项目计划书开展研究的;

    ② 擅自变更研究内容或者研究计划的;


    In case any of the following acts in violation of these Regulations as committed by a project principal or participant,……

    ① He fails to perform research in light of the project plan;

    ② He alters the research contents or plans without approval;


    4.2 译成动名词形式


    ① 未按照规定建立反洗钱内部控制制度的;

    ② 未按照规定设立反洗钱专门机构或者指定内设机构负责反洗钱工作的;

    ③ 未按照规定对职工进行反洗钱培训的。

    If a financial institution has any of the following acts,...

    ① Failing to establish an internal control system of anti-money laundering according to the related provisions;

    ② Failing to establish a special department for anti-money laundering or designate an internal department to take charge of anti-money laundering;or

    ③ Failing to conduct anti-money laundering trainings to its employees according to the related provisions.


    ① 隐瞒真实情况的;

    ② 提供虚假材料的;

    ③ 违反有关政策和申请程序,情节严重的。

    In case any of the following acts are committed by an enterprise applying for the qualification of engaging in the crude oil business,the Ministry of Commerce shall make a decision of rejecting its application or not granting a license and shall give it a warning;……

    ① Hiding the real situation;

    ② Supplying any false materials;or

    ③ Breaking the related policies and application procedures,and the situation being serious.


    ① 无偿转让财产的;

    ② 以明显不合理的价格进行交易的;

    ③ 对没有财产担保的债务提供财产担保的;

    Within one year before the people’s court accepts an application for bankruptcy,thebankruptcy custodian has the right to request the court to revoke any of the following acts related to the debtor’s assets:

    ① Transferring the assets free of charge;

    ② Trading at an obviously unreasonable price;

    ③ Offering asset guarantee to those debts without any guarantee;

    第七节 法律英语被动语态的几种译法


    1.This law is formulated to protect the legitimate rights and interests of commercial banks,depositors and other clients.



    2.The document on the major issues of the Company,including but not limited to,the management plan,the monthly report,quarterly report and annual report,shall be signed jointly by the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager,then the documents shall come into effect.





    1.1 以“被动”对“被动”,即用中文的“被”字来翻译,并且保留句子中的主语。如:

    1)All his property was disposed of in the judicial sale.


    2)Any event or circumstance beyond the control of the Parties to the Contract shall be deemed an event of Force Majeure.


    3)In a formal sense,a positive law may be regarded as any command of the state.


    4)The government has been mandated to revise the tax system.


    5)A tort is defined as a civil wrong.


    1.2 译成中文里带“使”、“由”、“把”、“受到”、“用”等字的被动句。如:

    1)This Contract shall be written in Chinese version and in English version.The two languages shall be equally authentic.


    2)The check was presented to the bank yesterday.


    3)Until the debts in question are repaid,the property of the branch shall not be transferred outside of the territory of China.


    4)A corporation is managed by a board of directors headed in the committees by a chairman.


    5)A corporation is established by one or several persons who conclude the corporate contract and charter and subscribe to the share capital.


    6)The question of patentability may be treated with three distinct and separate queries:when? who? and what?


    7)He claimed that he had been prosecuted maliciously.


    1.3 译成“为……所”的句型。如:

    1)A judge shall not be swayed by eloquent arguments


    2)The general principle has been qualified by a number of exceptions.



    2.1 译成汉语主动句型,但表示被动意味。

    1)Any disputes arising out of this Contract shall first be settled by the Parties hereto through consultation with their higher authorities in accordance with the spirit of mutual trust.Should such consultation fails to settle the dispute within thirty days of notification to such higher authorities,mediation may be concluded by a third party selected by the Parties hereto.


    2)No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law;and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.


    3)A case involving such a law can be taken to the Supreme Court.


    4)The civil law system can be traced back to Roman Law.


    5)Criminal law is enforced on behalf of the state.


    6)The separation of power principle has not been fully and completely realized in our constitutional structure.


    2.2 原文有主动者时,可用主动者作为主语,译为主动句。如:

    1)The board of directors shall keep minutes of resolutions on matters discussed at the meetings.The minutes are signed by the directors present at the meeting and by the person who recorded the minutes.


    2)The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission.


    2.3 含主语从句的被动句型译为主动句。


    1)It is suggested that the board of meeting be put off till next Monday.


    2)If the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation,It is feared that the two counties might resort to force.


    3)It must be pointed out that the adversary system tends to reduce litigation to a costly game,in which the lawyers become the principal players and the outcome will turn on their skill rather than on the true merit of the case.


    2.4 用原句的宾语充当译文的主语,译成主动句


    1)The principle of legality was reiterated by the constitutions of Clarendon.


    2)When a controversy is presented to a court or a lawyer,the immediate problem is to find the appropriate code provision covering the situation and then to apply it to the problem at hand.


    2.5 增添主语,译成主动句


    1)It is to be hoped that other groups of nations will follow this lead.


    2)It is now accepted as a scientific fact that no two people has the same finger-prints.



    1)Labor Law and Insurance Law have been partially codified in the United States.


    2)Copyright Law has been enacted in our county.




    1)Unless this account is paid within next fifteen days,it will be necessary to take appropriate action.


    2)Partial shipments are allowed unless the credit specially states otherwise.


    3)A supreme court is needed because the U.S congress of a state may pass a law that takes away a right of the people or a right of a state.


    4)Courts are discouraged from passing sentences of imprisonment on offenders under 21 years of age.



