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    2.3 背景文化对翻译意义

    背景文化知识对翻译必不可少。以大家熟知的名言“祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏”为例,其准确的翻译就需要对源语文化背景知识的深入理解。该句名言出自《老子·五十八章》,意思是祸与福互相依存,可以互相转化。比喻坏事可以引出好的结果,好事也可以引出坏的结果。理解了原文出处和含义,我们不难发现,在下列的译文中辜正坤先生的译文和阿瑟·韦利(Arthur Waley)的译文比较准确达意。


    Disaster hides itself behind good fortune; good fortune leans against disaster.(辜正坤译)

    It is upon bad fortune that good fortune leans, upon good fortune that bad fortune rests.(Arthur Waley译)

    Misery! – Happiness is to be found by its side! Happiness! – Misery lurks beneath it!(James Legge译)

    Misery, alas! rests upon happiness. Happiness, alas! underlies misery.(D.T.Suzuki &Paul Carus译)

    Misery, alas, supports happiness. Happiness, alas, conceals misery.(Dwight Goddard & Henri Borel译)

    Danger is the next door neighbor to security.

    Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.

    No weal without woe.

    Luck and misfortune comes in turn.(佚名译者)

    再如,英国威尔士大学菲立普(Philips)教授来广交会参观,在中草药厅看到“中草药”被译作“ crude medicine”时,建议改用“natural herbal medicine”。他解释说,“ crude”一词在英文里含有“not refined or manufactured(未提纯的、粗糙的、未加工的)”的意思,如“原油”叫做“crude oil”。而且“crude”还有“not having grace, taste or refinement(粗鄙的、粗鲁的)”和“not finished properly, badly worked out(粗制滥造的、不完善的)”的意思,很容易给西方人一种不愉快的感觉。而实际上,广交会上的中草药(包括中成药)很多是经过精心加工制作而成的。该译例中,对中药文化背景的了解以及对英文词意的准确把握,有助于将“中草药”这一文化词语的信息正确传递给英文读者。



    原译Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the way side.

    改译If the journey is one hundred miles, traveling ninety is only half of it.

    2010年3月14日记者招待会上,温家宝总理演讲中出现许多中文典故,其中之一是“行百里者半九十”。现场译员将其译为“Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the way side.”这是一则典型的由误解原文且不关注口译现场语境功能而引起的误译。

    “行百里者半九十”是中国古典名著《战国策》中的一句名言。其原意如下:走了90%的路程也不过是走到一半——最后一段路总是最艰难的。吴光华编撰的《汉英大辞典》中将其英译如下: to cover 90 percent of one’s destined distance brings the traveler no farther than the midway point – the last part of an endeavor is the hardest to finish; A thing is not done until it is done; One must sustain one’s effort when a task is nearing completion; The ninety miles is only half of a hundred miles journey – the going is toughest towards the end of a journey.该译例说明学习中国典籍、了解文化背景知识对相关材料汉译英的重要性。


    原译credibility, keenness, honesty and perseverance

    改译credibility, industry, integrity and tenacity(编者译)






    而基督教经典《圣经》中经常出现这样的字眼:Discipline,stability/composure/calmness,wisdom,greed,anger,folly。例如,《旧约》(The Books of the Old Testament)中的《箴言》(Proverbs)这一章的开场白在陈述箴言的目的和主旨说道:“要使人晓得智慧和训诲,分辨通达的言语,使人戒律严明,谨慎处事,让人领受智慧、仁义、公平、正直的训诲,使愚人灵明谨慎,使少年人有知识和谋略,使聪明人得着智谋,给敏锐善断的人以指导,使世人明白箴言和比喻,懂得智慧人的言辞和谜语。”(该段部分中文为编者改译)(原文:“for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young – let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance – for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.”) 《箴言》第三章给青年人的忠告中写道:“……得智慧、得聪明的,这人便为有福。因为得智慧胜过得银子,其利益强如精金,比红宝石宝贵,你所求的一切,都不足与其比较。她右手有长寿,左手有富贵。她的道是安乐,她的路全是平安。她与持守她的人作生命树,持定她的人俱各有福。”(该段部分中文为编者改译)(原文:“...blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.”)这两段箴言都特别强调知识智慧、戒律操守给人带来平安乐福。

    美国开国元勋之一本杰明·富兰克林在自传中描述其自我戒律时曾写道:...I used sometimes a little prayer from Thomson’s Poem, viz.

    Father of light and life, thou Good Supreme!

    O teach me what is good; teach me Thyself!

    Save me from folly, vanity, and vice,

    From every low pursuit; and fill my soul

    With knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure;

    Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss!

    (Franklin 1982:80)

    该段祈祷语祈求上苍将自己从“愚痴、虚荣、罪恶”(folly,vanity,and vice)中拯救出来,并赋予自己“知识智慧、宁静祥和、纯洁美德”(knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure)。


    Constantly attaining discipline, conscious peace and wisdom; while abolishing greed, anger and folly.


