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    随着中国加入WTO后,国际间的贸易往来日趋频繁,“货币”一词在国际贸易、金融以及人们的日常生活中的使用率越来越高。下面是《大学英语》精读第四册第一单元Big Bucks the Easy Way和第二单元Deer and the Energy Cycle两篇课文中所出现的“货币”词汇。

    1.Big Bucks the Easy Way.

    2.“You ought to look into this,”I suggested to our two college-age sons.“It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time.”

    3. The bonus program had worked until someone demanded to see the color of cash.

    4. Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy.




    He doesn’t usually carry much money on him.


    The project will cost a great deal of money.


    She went to the bank to draw money.她到银行去取钱。

    All his money has been spent.他的钱都花光了。

    2. cash


    Cash on delivery.(C.O.D.)货到付款。

    Mr.Brown donated one million dollars in cash.


    I have no cash on me.May I pay by check?


    If I had more cash I’d go round the world.


    3. currency


    The German currency is one of the strongest currencies in the world.德国货币是世界上最硬的通货之一。

    This is the only bank that issues currency.


    I gave him ten dollars in Chinese currency.


    4. fund


    They have raised enough funds for this major project.


    Part of the school sports fund will be used to improve the football pitch.部分学校运动会基金将用来整修足球场。

    The school has a library fund of$2000 to buy books.


    Now we can do that as we are in funds.


    I’m in funds just now.

    = I have plenty of money to spend.我现在手头有钱了。

    By the end of the week I usually get a bit short of funds.

    = with out much money.一到周末,我通常就缺点钱花。

    5. capital


    The company has a capital of five hundred million dollars.


    You need a lot of capital to startup a new newspaper.


    6. kitty


    How much money is left in the kitty?集资的钱还剩多少?

    They had to feed the kitty to ride in that car.


    All the prize money won by individual players goes into the team’s kitty.每个队员得到的奖金都全作为队里的公共储金。

    7. change


    How much have you got in change?你有多少零钱?

    I want some change.我要些零钱。

    Count your change before you leave the counter.




    How much of the money is in notes and how much in coin/ cash?这笔钱中有多少是纸币,有多少是硬币/现钱?

    He gave her a pound note/a ten-pound note.


    9. bill


    I have several one-dollar bills.我有几张一元的钞票。

    Have you change for a dollar bill?




    She was counting a pile of banknotes when the robbers entered the bank.强盗进入银行时她正在数一叠钞票。



    The banknotes were in denominations of five,ten,and twenty pounds.


    The smallest denomination in US currency is the cent.




    —How much does it cost?它值多少钱?

    —Twenty bucks.二十美元。

    All you do is fool around,when any other man would be trying to make a buck or two.


    13. coinage


    What sort of coinage do they use in France?


    He is a collector of foreign coinage.他是个外国硬币收集者。

    14. premium


    Mr.Brown has to pay 6 percent interest on his loan,and also a premium of two hundred dollars.


    15. coin


    I changed a£5 notes/a$5 bill because I needed some coins for the ticket machine.我把一张五英镑(五美元)的钞票换成零钱,因为我在售票机买票需要硬币。

    Let’s toss/flip a coin to decide who should go first———do you want heads or tails?


    16. copper


    Have you any coppers in your change?你零钱中有硬币吗?

    He had only a few coppers in his pocket.


    17. silver


    All I’ve got is a£5 note and about a pound in silver.




    People used to pay in gold.古时人们常用金币付款。

    注 意


    cash currency  现金货币

    gold currency  金币

    paper currency  纸币

    weak currency  软货币

    hard currency  硬币

    hand-to-hand currency  现金

    national currency  本国货币

    foreign currency  外汇;外币

    counterfeit currency  假币


