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    Hansel and Gretel

    Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who had two lovable children. The brother was called Hansel, and the younger sister was called Gretel.

    One day, the farmer took the two children into the forest. The farmer told the children to stay where they were while he went to chop firewood. The two siblings played in the forest and lost their way. Luckily, Hansel was a clever child. On the way, he had thrown plenty of white stones to mark the route. When it got dark that evening, the white stones shone in the moonlight, and Hansel and Gretel found their way home by following the glowing stones.

    After a few days, the two of them went into the forest again. This time Hansel tore up the bread he had brought with him and scattered it to mark the way. However, the birds in the forest detected this fragrant smell, and gobbled up all the bread crumbs. There were no bread crumbs left to mark the way. The two siblings could not find their way home.

    After a short while, they saw a sweet-smelling, small house made from sugar and bread. They were about to eat the bread, when an old woman came out.It just so happened that this old woman was a witch who loved to eat children. She immediately used magic to imprison Hansel in an iron cage. Every day, she fed him the tastiest food. She wanted to fatten him up to cook and eat. She turned Gretel into her servant, and made her do all the house chores.



    Every day, the witch pinched Hansel's arm with her fingers to see whether he was fatter or not. Clever little Hansel would give her a left-over pig bone to touch. The old witch had become short-sighted in her old age, and could not see that it was a pig bone. She thought that Hansel was still very thin.

    In the blink of an eye, four weeks had passed. The old witch could wait no longer. In a shrill voice, she ordered Gretel to prepare some water and light the fire. She was going to stew Hansel in a broth. On seeing that the water in the big iron pot had boiled, the old witch ordered Gretel to go to the stove door and see if the furnace was burning well. Clever little Gretel said, "I don't know how to open the door." So the old witch demonstrated how, saying,"Look, first you stretch your head in…"






    Gretel saw that the old witch's head had already stretched into the stove, so she used all her strength to kick her on the bottom. The old witch was caught off her guard, and tumbled into the furnace. Gretel hurriedly closed the small iron door of the stove, and the witch was burned to death. Gretel opened the iron cage and saved her brother Hansel.

    They left the old witch's house and followed a small forest stream. Very soon, they emerged from the forest. However, the river blocked their route. They had no way to cross it.

    A kind, big, white duck swam over and carried Hansel and Gretel across the river. They bid farewell to the big white duck and merrily returned home.

    siblings n.兄弟姐妹

    scattered v.分散(scatter的过去时)

    imprison v.禁闭

    demonstrated v.示范(demonstrat的过去时)


