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    第六节 英语长句的分析


    例:If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2,then in addition to any other remedies available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws,it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.(74 words)



    1)“it shall indemnify and keep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach”这是本句中的主句。

    2)在这个主句中有一个定语从句“that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach”来修饰前面的“any losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims”。在这个句子中谓语动词使用了“indemnify sb.against sth.”这个动词短语。

    3)“if”引起的是一个条件状语从句,在这个条件状语从句中“given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2”作为后置定语修饰“the representations or warranties”。

    4)“in addition to”引导的是增补成分,其核心词“remedies”也跟了后置定语“available to the other Party under this contract or under Applicable Laws”。

    5)固定结构“indemnify sb.against...”意为“使某人不受……”。


    例:In the event that the Company’s operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the parties,or the Company experiences substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan,or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties,the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis.(74 words)



    1)这个句子的主句很短。主句为:“the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis”。在这个主句中,“the parties”是主语,“agree to reduce”是谓语,宾语是“the registered capital of the Company”,“on a pro rata basis”是状语。

    2)“in the event that”是一个起连词作用的短语,引起条件状语从句。“in the event of”后接名词,引起类似条件状语从句的短语。如:“In the event of rain,the match will be postponed”(如果下雨,比赛将延)。

    3)“in the event that”是这个句子的条件状语从句,由三个并列的条件状语从句构成,它们由“or”连接,这是理解这个句子的关键,要记住条件从句的并列是由“or”来连接的,而不是我们平时理解的“and”来连接。

    例:Party A,in consideration of the agreement hereinafter contained of Party B,contracts and agrees with Party B,that he will deliver,in good and marketable condition,to Party B,during the month of March of next year,five thousand cases of tea,in the following lots,and on the following specified terms,vs:one thousand cases by the eighth of March,one thousand cases additional by the fifteenth of the month,one thousand cases more by the twenty second,and the entire five thousand cases to be all delivered by the thirtieth of March.(110 words)

    译文:鉴于乙方的允诺,甲方特与乙方订立协议并同意:由甲方负责,于定约之翌年3月份一月之内向乙方运送质地优良、符合行销标准的5 000箱茶叶,并按下列期限分批交货;即:到3月8日止交货1 000箱,3月15日另交货1 000箱,到3月22日再交货1 000箱,至3月30日全部5 000箱茶叶如数交迄。

    说明:在上述长句中,句子的主干是“Party A...contracts and agrees with Party B...”,其后又有一个“that”引导的冗长的宾语从句。理解了句子结构之后,我们发现修饰主语的定语过长,翻译时必须对其进行适当的切分。

    例:The Buyer shall pay the Seller US$ 350 000 within 20 days after the Bank of China has received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order,but not earlier than 12(twelve)months after the date the Contract Plant for the first time reached 95% of guaranteed capacity of the whole Contract Plant according to the guaranteed quality indices as per Annex VI to the Contract,or 65 months after the date of signing the contract,whichever is earlier.

    译文:买方须于中国银行收到卖方下列单据,并经审核证实无误后的20天内向卖方支付350 000美元,但此款项的支付不得早于合同工厂首次达到附件Ⅵ所规定之质量保证指标的95%以后的12个月,或本合同签字后的65个月,以早到的日期为准。

    说明:此句中含有一个非常复杂的时间状语,界定了买方承担付款义务的时间,从语用的角度来看,“but”后面的部分实际上是对前一部分,即“within 20 days after the Bank of China has received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order”的补充,同时语义上有转折关系;从英语的结构及表述方式上看,英语的状语放在句末,如此冗长的状语对行文规范及读者的理解都不构成任何问题,但如果机械地将如此冗长的状语原封不动地译成汉语并按照汉语行文习惯置于谓语动词之前,就会使译文显得拖泥带水,难以达意。因此,翻译此句时可以采用化整为零的手法,将表示补充内容的较长部分转换成汉语的并列句,并将原文中时间状语所修饰的谓语部分的核心,即“支付款项”移植为并列句的主语。


