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    The China Fishing Festival was first launched in 1998.Up to now,it is successfully held annually throughout ten years.Listed in China’s Top Ten Brand-name Festive Events in 2007,it ranked the first place in a poll of the Most Attractive Local Festivals in 2008conducted by people’s Network.It was granted the honor of Organization in the first Festival China Award Appraisal.


    Over the past ten years,the China Fishing Festival has developed diversified features.It comprises of ceremonies,forums,performances,trade and tourism,including a dozen of excellent activities.


    The solemn sacrifice ceremony to the sea reflects Xiangshan people’s grateful and righteous spirit.The powerful ceremony of setting sail displays Xiangshan people’s braveness,strong courage and fearlessness.The ceremony of Matsu patrol is a beautiful scene on the eve of setting off.The proposal of thanking and protecting the sea has brought strong global concern and become the theme of the Fishing Festival.


    The diversified and star-studded cultural activities,such as the All-China Fishing Songs Invitation Contest,carry forward the fishing culture of Xiangshan and feast more fisher folk with a unique culture.The China Ocean Forum has greatly invigorated Xiangshan’s economic development and city construction.The Global Queen Finals to be held in Xiangshan will nicely blend tradition with fashion and local with international.


    The China Fishing Festival is a holiday for fisher folk,a celebration of the ocean,and a feast of the sea culture.The China Fishing Festival carries out the unchangeable commitment of the fisher folk:be friendly with the ocean is to be friendly with mankind.


