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第七章 商务名片的翻译

第一节  商务名片的构成要素

    名片的英文称谓有多种:Business Cards; Name Cards; Visiting Cards; Calling Cards等。商务名片的构成要素包括名片主人的姓名、职务(职称、职衔、学衔等)、所属机构(公司、部门等)名称、通讯地址、邮政编码、电话号码、传真号码或电子邮件地址,等等。




第二节  商务名片中公司名称、部门名称、通讯地址的翻译



    1.直接使用business, company, corporation, enterprise, firm等表示“公司”意义的词。



    Agency / Agents代理公司,中介公司


    Bakeries 面包公司

    Branch(Office/ Company)分公司

    Communications 通讯公司/通信公司

    Consultancy / Consultants咨询公司,顾问公司


    Electronics 电子有限公司

    Financial Products财务服务公司


    Frozen Products冷冻食品公司

    Group 集团

    Head Office总公司


    Industries 实业公司


    Leasing 出租公司

    Networks 网络公司

    Operator 运营公司

    Pharmaceuticals 制药公司

    Products 产品公司(多用于与制造、销售产品有关的公司名称中)

    Service 商业性服务公司

    Stores 百货公司


    Telecommunications 电讯公司

    Vacupack 真空包装公司

    3.翻译企业名称还应注意以下问题:“limited”指“有限公司” ;“unlimited”指“无限公司”;含有前缀“sub-”、“multi-”、“trans-”的词,多数情况下可分别译为 “附”、“多”、“跨”等。


    在英语中,公司里的各个部门的表达并不总是出现department这个词, department常常被省略掉。以下是一些常见的公司部门的英汉对照:



    Accounting / Accounts(Department)会计部



    Board of Directors董事会

    Business Office营业部


    Customer Service(Department)客户服务部



    General Affairs(Department)总务部

    General Manager Office总经理室

    Human Resources(Department)人力资源部









    Product Development(Department)产品开发部


    Public Relations(Department)公关部


    Quality Control(Department)质检部

    Research and Development/ R&D(Department)研发部


    Sales Promotion(Department)促销部

    Secretarial Pool秘书室





第三节  商务名片中职务、职称、职衔、学衔的汉译




    administrative chief of district区长

    administrative chief of town乡长

    advisor/inspector 调研员/巡视员



    assistant (to) president总经理助理

    assistant engineer助理工程师

    associate/deputy editor副主编

    associate professor副教授



    chief accountant首席会计师

    chief designer总设计师

    chief engineer总工程师

    chief executive officer (CEO) 首席执行官

    chief executive总裁

    chief finance officer (CFO) 财务总监/首席财务官

    chief impresario艺术总监

    chief information officer (CIO) 信息总监 /资讯主管

    chief inspector质量总监

    chief operating officer (COO) 首席运营官(生产主管)

    chief physician内科主任

    commissioning editor责任编辑

    deputy chief副科长

    deputy director副主任



    division chief; director处长



    emeritus professor名誉教授

    executive director执行董事/执行理事长

    executive vice manager执行副经理

    factory director厂长

    head nurse护士长

    head; director主任

    honorary chairman名誉董事长

    Human Resources Manager人力资源部经理

    managing director; board chairman; chairman董事长

    Marketing Manager营销部经理

    office administrator行政秘书

    operational manager业务经理



    president/ governor行长

    president; general manager总经理

    president; vice-chancellor大学校长



    Production Manager生产部经理


    research fellow研究员

    Sales Executive销售部主管


    secretary general秘书长

    section chief科长

    senior advisor高级顾问/正厅级调研员、巡视员

    senior economist高级经济师

    senior engineer高级工程师

    special grade teacher特级教师

    standing director常务理事



    vice president; assistant president副总经理





    vice-manager-technology; technical manager技术副经理

    visiting professor客座教授


    需要说明的是,有时候英语中职务、职称、职衔、学衔与中国的职务、职称、职衔、学衔并不总是完全对应的。如,中国职称中的经济师并不像英语economist所包含的意义那样,指专门学习或从事经济学研究的专业人士。因此,有人建议将其中一部分并不专门学习或从事经济学研究的专业人士的职称译成英语的officer of economic administration/ economic administrator/economic coordinator.

第四节  翻译技巧——直译与意译



    例1:I prefer making an outline before I make a speech.


    例2:Every man is the architect of his own fortune.(Appius Claudius Caecus)


    例3:True wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing.(Doris Humphrey)


    例4:Good manners are the blossom of good sense and good feeling.(Samuel Johnson)


    例5:The accuracy of scientific observation and calculation always depends on the scientist's timekeeping methods.




    例6:There is no smoke without fire.(Proverb)


    例7:Don‟t wash your dirty linen in public.(Proverb)


    例8:A friend in need is a friend indeed.(Proverb)


    例9:Make the best of a bad job.(Proverb)





    例10:The picture of those poor people's lives was carved so sharply in his mind that he could never forget it.


    例11:In most cases there is no such thing as certainty.


    例12:A winner cares about the world and its people.He is not isolated from the general problems of society.


    例13:Winners successfully make the transition from total helplessness to independence, and then to interdependence.Losers do not.Somewhere along the line they begin to avoid becoming self-responsible.


    例14:Too many managers let themselves get weighed down in their decision-making, especially those with too much education.




    Colin A.Ryan

    Managing Director

    Indigo Company Limited   Tel: 63110000

    30 Queen Street, Manila  Fax: 63110001

    The Phillippines      E-mail: CRyan@iefintl.org



    陈 天 明







    advances  analyze  applied to  determine   draw up

    suggest   monitor  needed    performance  program

    A Research, Design and Development

    Before a new car is built, it must be researched, designed, and developed into a workable product.Researchers 1 market trends, consumer surveys, and buying patterns to 2 what consumers want, and then 3 what kinds of cars to make.Designers work to shape these new ideas into tangible parts or products.Engineers adapt existing parts for the new model and 4 new plans for the prototype.A prototype is a custom-built working example of a new design.Manufacturers begin by building a few prototypes before they set up a factory to build the new car.Product planners 5 the process along the way and make sure that an approved new car 6 finishes on time and within budget.

    As technology 7 , new cars continually feature new systems and innovations.Change and innovation in the auto industry take time to implement and must allow for, but not be overwhelmed by, consumer whims or government regulations.New systems are usually introduced one at a time, or new technologies 8 one area at a time.A new component system (such as a new braking system) in a fully developed prototype can take as long as four years to incorporate into a new model.Part of this time is 9 to design, build, and install production tools to make the new model.Testing the new system on rough mock-ups (called test beds) and in preproduction vehicles to see what happens to overall 10 takes additional time.

    四、请在Column B 中找出与Column A中汉语相对应的英语翻译。

    Column A           Column B

    1.公司(代理行,旅行社)   a.Co., Ltd.

    2.(服务)公司         b.branch/ office

    3.(国内)总公司        c.Airways

    4.分公司           d.Networks

    5.控股公司          e.agency

    6.(制药)公司         f.Industries

    7.网络公司          g.Service(s)

    8.通讯公司          h.home/ head office

    9.航空公司          j.Group

    10.有限公司          k.Holdings

    11.实业公司,工业公司     l.Laboratories

    12.集团,集团公司       m.Communications


