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    第三节 分译法和合译法







    They,not unexpectedly,did not renege on their promise.


    Superficially,this is an innovative and scientific research.


    Illogically,she had expected some kind of miracle solution.


    Mr Dube incredibly persuaded the SABC to air it,the first anti-apartheid song to be played on a white station.


    He is an active student,but he was uncharacteristically listless in class today.


    Those Chinese whizz kids in Silicon Valley are understandably proud of their achievements.



    That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.


    She had such a kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,generous heart that she was loved and respected by her students.


    In the US,the incredible number of the young people who cannot read is about one fourth.



    He shook his head and his eyes were wide,then narrowed in indignation.


    Much of the historical splendor of China strains the imagination of Western people:its expanse,its cultural diversity,the length of its history,the beautiful objects produced thousands of years ago with a technology that still makes the experts gasp.




    Being stressed out and distressed,Jeff felt ill.


    She had to quit her job and went out of the town,having been threatened and harassed constantly.


    Being summer,the rivers were open and navigable.



    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


    Sally became too excited to fall asleep after she received the offer from that company—a multinational Fortune 500.


    The high risk of injection puts a premium on the use of sterile needles.



    Their sales increased sharply with their new marketing strategies adopted.


    He returned to the political arena at a ripe moment domestically.


    He had made several attempts to solve the problem without success.


    Another racial conflict in the state would surely make the ethnic relations even tenser.




    Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman,who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable.


    This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that lay in the house that Jack built.


    The People’s Republic of China must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future;who believe in man and his glorious man-made destiny.





    He was beaten black and blue after he was caught on the spot.


    The person who forgives and forgets is in the position of real power.


    In the midst of all the hustle and bustle,people might overlook their health—and that is the worst thing that they can do.


    In order to reach the goal,the price must be fixed fair and square based on market deal price in the conditions under which related interest parties pursue their own interests.



    The young man was very miserable.He had no money about him.All his savings had been stolen.


    That day,the President had an interview with his father.His father was going to the moon by space shuttle.


    He was clean.His mind was open.


    She was born in a very small town.The town is in the north of China near the sea.



