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    A group seeking an international ban on nuclear weapons has won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize.


    The Norwegian Nobel Committee is giving the prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, or ICAN.


    The head of the committee, Berit Reiss-Andersen, made the announcement on Friday.

    周五,诺贝尔委员会主席贝丽特·赖斯-安德森(Berit Reiss-Andersen)宣布了该奖项得主。

    She said, "We live in a world where the risk of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for a long time."


    The Nobel committee said ICAN won for its work to bring attention to the catastrophic humanitarian effects of any use of nuclear weapons.


    The statement also praised the group for "its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons."


    ICAN describes itself as a coalition of non-government groups in more than 100 countries.


    It began in Australia and was officially launched in Vienna Austria in 2007.


    ICAN's main goal is to support enactment of a United Nations treaty banning nuclear weapons.


    The treaty was approved in New York on July 7, 2017.


    The agreement, however, did not include nuclear powers, such as Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States.


    The peace prize announcement comes as U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened Iran and North Korea over their nuclear activities.


    President Trump told the U.N. General Assembly last month that he may be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea because of its nuclear program.


    U.S. officials now say Trump is likely to decertify the international nuclear agreement with Iran.


    He has called the agreement the "worst deal ever negotiated."


    The president is expected to announce his plans in a speech next week.


    The officials expect him to say the deal is not in the U.S. national interest.


    This would not cancel the 2015 agreement, but instead return it to Congress.


    Lawmakers would then have 60 days to decide whether to re-establish sanctions that were suspended under the agreement.


    A decertification could possibly lead to talks on renegotiating the deal, although Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said that is not under consideration.

    虽然伊朗总统哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)已表示不会考虑此事,但取消该协议可能需要举行会谈重新谈判。

    I'm Caty Weaver.



    1.nuclear weapons核武器

The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation ofnuclear weapons.

2.be forced to 被迫

He has beenforced toadjust his schedule.

3.national interest 国家利益

He will pursue thenational interest, regional and global power, protectionism and mercantilism.

4.under consideration在考虑之中

Several proposals areunder considerationby the state assembly.




