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    第六节 As用作准介词及准关系代词





    We look upon him as a great man.


    He took these words as evidence.



    We shouldn't regard as impossible what is really possible.


    We consider the new plan as practicable.


    They described the case as hopeless.



    They showed the compounds as having different structure.


    We thought of him as being angry about it.


    How can you describe it as lacking of experience?


    We took the problems as settled.


    We think of all matter as made up of atoms.



    We regard that conclusion as of consequence.


    I heard the whir as from a car.



    What the teacher said was regarded as true.


    These words may be used as determiners.


    All matter should be seen as constantly changing.




    the same...as...



    As原来也是连词,但经常为省略它后面的代词起见,它本身就兼有代词的作用而成为关系代词。它在句中所起的语法作用与who或which相同,在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语。因此,as可以看做一个准关系代词(quasi-relative pronoun)。

    1.the same...as...


    He is not the same man as he was(the man).


    I should like to use the same textbook as is used in your school.


    I had the same trouble as you(had the trouble).


    She drove by the same road as I usually do.




    He is not such a man as would leave his work half done.


    Such instruments as(are)thermometers and barometers can be found in any physics laboratory.


    Such people as(Those people who)you described are rare nowadays.


    A wise man seldom talks about such things as(Those things which)he doesn't understand.



    I hope to get such a tool as he repaired this instrument with.




    We let you have as many copies as you need.


    We have accomplished as much work in the past three years as would have taken ten years in the past.


    Here is a bottle of ink you may use as much as you need.



    ①一般说来,the same...that则表示“与……一样”的意思,指的是同一个人或物。例如:

    This is the same watch as I lost.


    This is the same watch that I lost.

    (This is the very watch that I lost.)


    ②有时the same...as亦可表示“与……同一的”意思。如指同一事物时,此时the same...as=the same...that,两者可互换使用。如指的就是同一个人时,一般用the same...that而不用the same...as。例如:

    He works in the same shop as/that I do.


    When the same man that murdered the old lady entered the hotel once more,the waiter immediately telephoned the police.



    He uses the same books as(or that)you do.

    He uses the same books as you.


    This is the same hat(or that)you wore yesterday.


    You've made the same mistakes as last time.



    There is not as(so)much money as is needed.钱不够用。


    He is late,as is often the case.


    As all know,practice is the only yardstick of the truth.


    The machine,as might be expected,has stopped operating.


    As(is)announced in the papers,our country has launched another man-made earth satellite.



