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    通知一般由标题、正文和落款(或时间)三部分组成,有的只有前两部分。标题可以是通知的中心内容,如:Special Offer Notice,也可以用Notice或Announcement作为标题。



    例1 书信体通知——录用通知

    Notice of Employment

    Dear Ms Zhang,

    It’s a great pleasure to inform you that,approved by the Board of Directors,you have been appointed the secretary of General Manager.Please come to the Personnel Department in a couple of days for registration upon the receipt of this notice.

    Wang Kai

    Manager,Personnel Dept.





    It’s a great pleasure to...是常用套语,汉语意思是“非常高兴/非常荣幸……”;approve的意思是“批准,通过”,根据上下文可以翻译成“考核审查通过”;upon the receipt of的意思是“当收到……时”,此处按汉语习惯翻译成“收到……后”。Personnel Department为“人事部”,其他常用的部门名称如:Research and Development Department研发部、After-sales Department售后服务部、Accounting Department财会部。



    Under the auspices of the Teaching Affairs Section

    A talk will be given




    Prof.Li Ming from Shanghai Business School

    In the First Meeting Room

    On Tuesday,September 12,at 2:00 p.m.

    All English teachers are requested to be there on time.

    Shanghai Trade School

    September 5,2006










    翻译本通知时,要注意格式上的一致和协调。为了和原文一致,可以按照通知的内容进行分类,这样译文就更加清晰,使人一目了然。Under the auspices of...的意思是“由……主办/赞助”。

    例3 广播通知(Broadcast Announcement)

    Attention.Passengers bound for Los Angeles on Flight 237 will be boarding in 15 minutes.In order to speed up boarding please have your tickets ready.Thank you.




    Notice of Expelling Zhang Xiao from School

    Zhang Xiao,male,aged 20,admitted to our university on September 1,2005,has been absent from classes for 150 hours since March,2006 and has been caught cheating in exams two times.Based on the Regulations for the Administration of Students,the Registrar Office and the Student Affairs Office have jointly decided to expel Zhang Xiao from school as from September 4,2006.

    The Registrar Office

    The Student Affairs Office

    September 4,2006





    admit可以翻译为“入学”;Based on...翻译为“根据”。另外要注意准确翻译通告中出现的一些学校中常用的部门名称,如:the Registrar Office,the Student Affairs Office。


    The Opening of Evergreen Supermarket Notice

    July 5,2006

    Dear Customer,

    We are pleased to announce that Evergreen Supermarket will be open on August 18.This will be a spacious supermarket for shoppers at 88 Wushan Road.

    The best quality goods will be supplied at moderate prices,and no effort will be spared to give customers the utmost satisfaction.

    The supermarket has been decorated upon the most modern principles,thus securing a perfect and agreeable shopping atmosphere to the customer.

    You are cordially served at Evergreen Supermarket.

    Yours Faithfully,

    Li Rong

    Manager,Marketing Dept.








    翻译本通告时要注意对几个短语和句子的处理。The best quality goods will be supplied at moderate prices可以翻译成汉语的四字结构“物美价廉”,既简洁又符合汉语的表达习惯;a perfect and agreeable shopping atmosphere翻译成“完美舒适的购物环境”;no effort will be spared英语用否定表示,但翻译时采用正译法,即从正面来表达。翻译通知中的其他形容词时,也可尽量用四字成语,这样译文就有一定的韵律之美。

    例6 公司合并通告(Notice of Merger of Business)


    We have the honor to announce that effective on 18th August,2006,the AB Company will become associated with the C Company into the new ABC Company Limited.The merger gives the new strength in terms of the promotion of sales and operative capital,and we hope to be able to serve you more effectively than ever before.The new company will thereafter carry on business under the new name at Jinmao Tower,Shanghai.

    ABC Company




    We have the honor...意思是“我们非常荣幸地……”;形容词effective“有效的”,可以翻译为动词“生效”,译文中未把它直接翻译出来,因为意思已经清楚。




    Office Move Notice

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    From September 8,2006,our branch office in the Wanlong Plaza will move to the Trade Center,12th Floor,North Zhongshan Road,Shanghai.Our new telephone number is 58345678.

    CP Trade Company



    It is hereby proclaimed that on August 6,2006,Miss Zhu Li was appointed manager of Public Relations Department.

    The Office of General Manager

    August 8,2006



    There have been several burglaries in our neighborhood.In order to maintain order and security,a public security team has been set up.It is expected that everybody be on guard and closely cooperate with the team.Should there be any emergency,please call 64525785.

    Public Security Team



    The Department of Foreign Languages takes pleasure in announcing that its New Year Recreation Evening is to be held in the West Arts Building on Saturday,December 29,at 7:00 p.m.The program includes card-playing,chess-playing,riddle guessing,ping-pang ball,karaoke,dancing,etc.All teachers and students of the department are warmly welcome.

    The Department Office

    December 27,2005



    An open English class will be given



    Professor of English Teaching Methodology

    on Tuesday,June 20,2006

    at 9:00 a.m.

    in Room 212 of No.2 Building

    All the teachers are expected to attend the class

    The Dean's Office

    June 16,2006



    It is hereby proclaimed that Professor Lin Tao has been elected on December 21,2005 to the deanship of the Foreign Languages Department of Hongtu College.

    The President's Office

    Hongtu College



    We inform you that our business,which has been carried on most successfully for the last ten years,will be turned into a limited company on the 30th of May;and from that date it will be continued under the firm-name of the P.R.N.Co.Ltd.


