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    第五节 买卖合同中的支付条款




    例如,在合同中规定:“买方应不迟于2007年10月6日前将50%的货款以信汇方式预付给卖方。”(The Buyer shall pay 50%of the sales proceeds in advance by mail transfer to reach the Seller not later than October 6th,2007.)



    (1)即期付款交单的规定办法。例如,在合同中规定:“买方应凭卖方开立的即期汇票付款,付款后交单。”(Upon first presentation the Buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight.The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.)

    (2)远期付款交单的规定办法。例如,在合同中规定:“买方应凭卖方开具的跟单汇票,于提单日后60天付款,付款后交单。”(The Buyers shall pay against the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at60 days after date of B/L.The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.)

    (3)承兑交单的规定办法。例如,在合同中规定:“买方对卖方开具的见票后60天付款跟单汇票,于提示当时即予承兑,并应于汇票到期日付款,承兑后交单。”(The Buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at 60 days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity.The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance only.)




    Payment with a prime bank by irrevocable and confirmed L/C in favor of and to reach the Sellers20 days before the time of shipment,valid until the 15th day after the time of shipment for negotiation in China by a 90 days sight draft for 100%of the invoice value and accompanied with the following documents:①Full set of clean on-board Bills of Lading;②Commercial Invoice;③Original Marine Cargo Insurance Policy;□


    “凭信用证即期付款。”(Payment by sight credit.)


    (Payment by creditat60 days sight to reach the seller 30 days before the time of shipment.)


    首先,为了避免争议,在买卖双方没有对合同支付条款的要点达成默契前,不宜随意省略条款要点。其次,在使用D/P、D/A之类的缩写词时,应该注意对方是否明确D/P、D/A所表述的“付款交单”和“承兑交单”的含义,因为它们可以分别解释为“付款交货”(Delivery against Payment)和“承兑交货”(Delivery against Acceptance)。最后,在信用证方式下,单据符合信用证规定是银行付款的前提。因此,除了注意所规定的单据是否齐全以外,还要避免规定我方不能提供的单据。此外,信用证的有效期应当规定为装运期后一段合理时间内,以便我方能有足够的时间制单结汇。


