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下雨的英语日记 篇1

  The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.

  The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.



  下雨的英语日记 篇2

  the weather was so bad today as well as my mood. i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher. i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise. to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over. i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain. suddenly, someone patted my shoulder. i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend. saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a smile. i felt so moved and warm.


  下雨的英语日记 篇3

  Today is a rainy day. I think i'm very lucky because i bring an umbrella this morning.


  In the afternoon,our sport check cancled because of the rain. We are very happy.


  When i came home,i found my clothes get wet.


  下雨的英语日记 篇4

  After a few downpours, the school campus has become a world of water. Heavy as well as dense, the rain seems just like a enormous white curtain hanging from the sky to the ground. While walking in the street, only things within meters can be seen in our sight.


  As the rain patting the old trees, all the dust was wiped away in no time, making them younger than ever. Everything is green, and green is flowing everywhere. The grass straightens their little limp body with enough water supply; the red Kapoks in the front gate were darkened, just like a burning flames high in the trees.


  Someone may complain about the dampness and uncomfortableness of such weather. Indeed, everything feels wet. I believe if you stretch out and squeeze the air, there may be water trickling from you hand! Someone sighs at their forever-wet clothes, praying it will never rain tomorrow. As we walk we can feel the vapor, cool and fresh , or damp for someone who dislike this kind of weather.


  Despite of its dampness and uncomfortableness, I still love rainy days, because it brings me a piece of calmness, with its harmonious concerto and refreshing cool feelings. Everything is cleaned in and out, the oxygen is pumped in multiply. As I’m listening to the concerto if spring frogs, I felt into my sweet dreams within seconds.


  下雨的英语日记 篇5


  Heavy rain on Tuesday, June 2nd


  Today's temperature is very low. In the early hours of the morning, it rained a little. The whole sky is gray and depressing.


  The second class is a comprehensive labor class. The teacher asked us to do our homework. At this time, a sound of thunder came from afar. Soon, it began to rain heavily. It lasted until after school. It was a beautiful scene. The adults held all kinds of umbrellas and stood at the gate of the school looking forward to it. Some of the umbrellas in their hands were like rainbow patchwork colors, and some of them were in full bloom The red rose, as well as transparent as glass, is very strange.


  Among the many umbrellas, I found the one I knew well and went home with my mother.

  下雨的英语日记 篇6

  Today, it rained.

  The rain is thin, just like thin wool. The raindrop is very naughty. Itjumps up and down on the glass, as if it were jumping high in the competition.It is sliding up and down the slide, playing! It walks up and down on thechildren's heads, as if walking!

  The raindrops make a "scratching" sound on the glass and a "banging" soundon the umbrella. They must be screaming in pain!

  The raindrop is like a free elf, it shuttles freely in the beautiful citywithout worry.

  What a beautiful rain!






  下雨的英语日记 篇7

  On Wednesday, I don't have English class, so my mother and I went to thelibrary to borrow books in the afternoon. Not long after arriving, it began torain. My mother and I hurried to the library gate.

  On the open space in front of the main gate, the heavy rain fell on theground as if it were a pearl. When it fell to the ground, it jumped into asplash on the ground. The water accumulates more and more, laying flat on theground. When the wind blows, the water is like a spray, and the water flowswherever the wind blows. As soon as the wind stopped, the water rolled up andslapped on the ground, causing another splash.

  It has been raining incessantly, now it is big and now it is small. Mymother and I took advantage of the light rain to hurry home by bus. It keepsraining on the road, sometimes it will hail!

  After a while, I finally got home. However, when we got to the gate, thestreet in front of the gate was flooded. So my mother and I took off our shoesand walked in the water. The water suddenly flooded my knees. We walked slowly,but I almost broke my foot on the way to Stone.

  What a beautiful rain scene!






  下雨的英语日记 篇8


  1-23 Saturday light rain


  Although it's raining today, and the temperature suddenly drops, which makes people feel cold, but I'm still very happy. Because this is the first day of the holiday, my mother took me and my brother and sister back to my hometown in Guangdong by plane to get together with my grandparents.


  I'm so happy to see my grandparents. Before school, they always brought me up. I miss my grandparents very much. When I got home, my grandparents would be happy to see me and say, "it's getting taller again." While touching my head, while holding my small hand, eyes have not been removed from me. I think they must miss me, too.

  下雨的英语日记 篇9


  "Thousands of lines, thousands of lines, can't see when they fall into the water." children, do you know what this is? By the way, you are really smart. The answer is rain.


  This morning, I was awakened by the sound of the rain. The rain is as pleasant as my electronic piano. In order to listen to the sound of the rain and see the appearance of the rain, my little face is tightly attached to the window glass. You see, lovely raindrops jump out of the sky mother's arms and fall from the sky like parachutes. Up and down into a string of beads, like the aunt's Pearl curtain as beautiful. The drizzle fell to the ground, and a little water rose, like a little girl dancing a ballet, and soon disappeared. Is it playing hide and seek with me? The saplings become green after drinking the rain, and the flowers become more colorful after drinking the rain. The rain fell into the river and the little fish swam happily. "Spring rain is as expensive as oil" I believe the farmer must be the happiest.

  下雨的英语日记 篇10

  This morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I heard the sound of rushingoutside the window. I quickly got up and was ready to open a door. It turned outthat it was raining cats and dogs outside the window, which was why it made thatsound.

  After dinner, I stood by the window to see the heavy rain. It was reallyraining. The misty mist covered everything in the distance like a white scarf. Icouldn't see the tall buildings, the green mountains, the blue sky, and thewhite clouds. I could only hear the sound of rain and the traffic coming andgoing. Suddenly, a gust of wind came head-on, and the cool wind eliminated theheat of my summer vacation and gave me coolness The rain stopped, and the fog inthe distance gradually dispersed. People opened the windows one after another,and let fresh air flow in their own homes. The road was wet. In that pool, thispool, birds chirped in the branches, as if admiring the rain. I watched all thishappily.

  It's raining really well, eliminating the heat and washing away the dust onthe road. If it rains often, it would be nice!




  下雨的英语日记 篇11

  In the morning, I woke up and heard the sound of ticking outside. I openedthe window and looked out. It was gray, and a cool wind came on me. Itrained.

  Beans of rain fell from the sky, on the roof, on the trees and on theearth, playing beautiful songs. Pedestrians on the road opened the umbrella andwalked carefully on the road. The rain fell on the umbrella and crackled andslid down the umbrella to the ground. Leaves and grass were washed clean by therain, turned green, and small pits were accumulated on the ground ... Cars droveby, splashing water, and then fell back to the ground, turning into streams andflowing into the river.

  The rain became smaller, my mother and I went downstairs, breathing freshair, and the light rain fell on my face, which was cool and reallycomfortable.




  下雨的英语日记 篇12

  Today, this afternoon. We had music lessons. I looked up, alas! Yay! Thewhole day was gloomy. I saw how many white clouds were in the north. However,most of the other clouds were covered by dark clouds. This is, a drop of waterinstantly dripped on my face, huh? Why are there raindrops? I felt very strange.Soon, other students also felt it. Is it going to rain? My heart began towonder.

  Soon, it's time to attend the special class. I went to the special class,and it was very hot and boring when I entered. I took my seat first, and thehead teacher of their class opened the window. It didn't take long for us to situp and down. I only heard the sound outside getting louder, it rained, it reallyrained, and my rumor came true!

  It's raining harder and harder outside. First, it was a little drizzle, andthen it changed from drizzle to downpour. It also contains sand, which is likerain when viewed from high altitude. The color of rain is brown, which isdifferent from before.

  Just after a while, there was "pa!" Pa! Pa! Ta! Ta! Hey! " The voice. I sawthat the head teacher of their class immediately took off his glasses and wentto see the scenery outside the window. On sight, it was hail. As soon as I hearit, what? Is it hail? It's the first time I saw hail. I'm happy and sad. I'mglad I met hail for the first time. I'm sad and afraid I can't go back. Theclass teacher called another teacher, and I couldn't hear them "Wow! Li! Wow!La! " What the hell are you talking about. However, one of the teachers made astroke with his hand, and I knew that the hail was falling.

  I am very happy through this case of heavy rain and hail.






  下雨的英语日记 篇13

  6月17日 星期三 暴雨

  Wednesday, June 17 heavy rain


  When school was over yesterday afternoon, there was a rainstorm in the sky. It hasn't stopped yet.


  After dinner today, I watched live Nanjing reporting on the rain. Looking at it, I was attracted by a piece of news, which said: due to the impact of the rainstorm, a melon farmer's watermelon has all been flooded. At that time, I thought to myself: Although the rain is very heavy, it will not flood all the watermelons of the farmers, right? However, the TV shows clearly. The watermelon shed is full of water. If you don't know it's a watermelon shed! Alas, it seems that nature can not only benefit people, but also harm people.


  God, please don't rain any more!

  下雨的英语日记 篇14


  Today is a rainy day. There are many secrets in rainy days!


  The ants are busy moving their new home; the snails are walking leisurely in the rain; the sunflowers are full, and they seem to be long!


  It's raining slowly. There are many colorful umbrellas in the street. They are moving! Look, the rainbow is coming out, like a half moon cake!


  How interesting it is to rain!

  下雨的英语日记 篇15


  It rained today. It was very sudden. In the morning, it's pouring rain outside. It's very cold. The leaves are singing. The raindrops are clapping the windows happily. They give out beautiful light on the ground. It drenched the soil in the field and made the leaves of the big tree grow up. Ah, how beautiful the scenery is!


  I love rainy days because it can bring us infinite happiness.

  下雨的英语日记 篇16

  this morning, i woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. unwillingly opened my eyes, i found it was 6:30 already.nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. what a cold day. how comfortable it would be if i could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the sound of rain. but, i did have to go to work.

  though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual. many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of wind. fortunately, i was dressed in a raincoat. several yards away, a policeman was guiding the traffic in the rain. i was filled with deep esteem for his seriousness.i kept thinking of today's plan for a short while and,then,i was in my office. a busy day is beginning ……




  下雨的英语日记 篇17

  It's raining again today.And it's raining hard.It was dark from morning till night. It was still dark at half past eight. Even if I do my homework, I can only see it with the light on.As soon as it rains, it stays down until about twelve o'clock.After the rain stopped, I went to the restaurant downstairs to buy some food.


  下雨的英语日记 篇18


  Today, I just went out with my mother to go to Sanda hall. Suddenly, there was a strong wind, and the big raindrops like peas fell down. Soon, they shot straight to the ground like arrows, and then shot up. Although I was wearing a raincoat, my shoes soon flooded. When my mother and I got to the martial arts school, my lower body was almost soaked. Fortunately, I have to change my Sanda suit to practice Sanda, but because my socks are wet, I have to wear Sanda shoes barefoot.


  What a heavy rain it is today!

  下雨的英语日记 篇19

  It rained today, and it was very boring.

  I sat on the sofa and had a rest. After watching the mobile phone for a while, I fell asleep.

  When I woke up, it was already two o'clock. I read my brother's book for a while. It was so boring.

  I walked several times on the steps, which was so boring. But when it rains, I can't help it. I just found some novels and read them. The novel is thick, but interesting. I read it with relish. After reading a few short articles, I still feel bored. I went out to see if the rain stopped, but it didn't stop. It was boring.

  What a boring day!

  下雨的英语日记 篇20

  It rained on Sunday. My friend and I went out to play. He took an umbrella and wore a pair of rain boots. I'm going to find another friend of mine.

  The sound of his treading water is wheezing. Another friend came out with a washbasin. The sound of raindrops in the washbasin was dripping, so he put the washbasin back. Then we went to another friend's house, he was doing his homework, and we waited for him to do his homework. He finished his homework just after the rain. We went to play together. Rainy days are really fun!


