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黄河的英语作文 篇1

  I Love You——the Yellow River--我爱你——黄河!




  I Love You——the Yellow River

  It’s well known that the Yellow River is the second longest river in China. Though my hometown is close to her, yet I had no chance to enjoy myself at her beautiful scenery. What a pity!To my great joy we were told that we would go there and have a good look at the lovely river on Sunday.

  It took us quite a few hours’ ride to reach the bank of the river,where we saw the Chunü Spring①. It is one of the most famous hot springs there . The water of the spring is so clear that we couldn’t help diving into it. Our head teacher, together with us, swam happily. Floating on the water, I looked around . We were surrounded by the great mountains.

  Then we got on some small boats. We had been longing to float on the Mother River. Seeing her powerful current and attractive beauty, I felt proud of being one of her sons.

  It was noon before we knew it. We went ashore② and then danced and sang happily on the grassland. We helped ourselves to the tasty③ fish, crabs④ and other food, which we cooked ourselves.

  It was time for us to go home. We had to say good-bye to the Mother River. We all felt reluctant⑤ when we left her.



  ①Chunü Spring处女泉

  ②go ashore [ ’M&:]上岸

  ③tasty [’teisti] a.美味的;可口的

  ④crab [kr$b] n.蟹;蟹肉

  ⑤reluctant [ri’l)kt nt] a.不愿意的;留恋的



  黄河的英语作文 篇2


  I have a long wish to go to the Yellow River. Today, I came to the long-awaited Yellow River beach, and I finally got what I wanted! My excitement is beyond words.


  Standing on the Yellow River beach, looking at the carefree and galloping water of the Yellow River, my whole body and mind have melted into the water of the Yellow River, which is really "the water of the Yellow River comes to the sky". From a distance, there are long and neat river banks on the other side of the broad river, standing there like the Great Wall on the water, on which are planted the straight and lush poplar trees, protecting our mother river, the Yellow River, like a green soldier. I look along the East River, only to see that the broad river turns a big corner, and the river gradually disappears at the end of the water sky junction; I Looking to the west, there is a steel bridge across the Yellow River. Coincidentally, there is a train, accompanied by the rumbling call, passing quickly. I think this bridge is even more spectacular! I looked down and saw the muddy Yellow River, sometimes in a big circle, sometimes in a small circle, as if playing hide and seek with me! I stooped to feel the soft and slippery River, as cool as my favorite popsicle. I heard my father say: "the Yellow River is the second largest river in China. It starts from Bayan Kara mountain in Qinghai Province in the West and flows into Bohai Bay in the East. The source of the river is clear, because after the Loess Plateau, it becomes yellow.


  As the sky darkened, I reluctantly left the magnificent Yellow River. The broad mind of the Yellow River made me unforgettable and memorable

  黄河的英语作文 篇3

  This is the Yellow River. Each year the Yellow River carries billions of tons of sediment from the Loess Plateau eastwards to the crop fields of the Chinese heartland.


  Historically, the Chinese relationship with the river has been uneasy. Sediment, building up on the riverbed, has caused the Yellow River to burst its banks periodically, unleashing devastating floods, resulting in millions of deaths.


  But when tamed with dykes and channels, the river's bounty is legendary. Even today, half of China's wheat comes from the Yellow River floodplain.


  黄河的英语作文 篇4

  The Yellow River is about 5,000 kilometers long. It is the second longest river in China, only second to the Yangtze River. With its origin in Qinghai Province, the Yellow River flows through nine provinces of China such as Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Shanxi, and finally pours itself into the Bohai Sea. Because it carries a lot of silt, the water of the River is in yellow. In Chinese history, the Yellow River basin influences Chinese civilization significantly and is also the major birthplace of Chinese nation. Therefore, the Yellow River is called "the Cradle of Chinese Civilization" and "Mother River" of China.

  黄河全长约5000公里,是中国第二长河,仅次于长江(the Yangtze River)。黄河发源于青海省,流经中国青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、陕西等9个省区,最后流入渤海。由于夹带了大量的泥沙(silt)。黄河的河水呈黄色。在中国历史上,黄河流域给中华文明带来了巨大的.影响,也是中华民族最主要的发源地。因此黄河被称为“中华文明的摇篮(cradle)”和中国的“母亲河”。

  黄河的英语作文 篇5

  黄河 The Yellow River


  The Yellow River

  Following the Yangtze River, the Yellow River is the second-longest river in China at the estimated length of 5,464 km. Originating in Qinghai, it flows through nine provinces, and empties into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River is called “the cradle of Chinese civilization”. Its basin was the most prosperous region in early Chinese history, and was the birth place of ancient Chinese civilization. The further exploitation and utilization of the Yellow River will make new contribution to the realization of Four Modernizations of China.

  黄河的英语作文 篇6

  The Yellow River, the second longest river in China, is one of the most famous long rivers in the world. The Yellow River flows through nine provinces,meandering in northern China. Seen from the sky, it is much like a huge Chinese character “ji” (meaning a few), and it is also a bit like the unique totem of Chinese nation dragon. Since the middle part of the river flows through the Loess Plateauin China, a lot of sediment is carried away. Therefore, it is also considered as the river with the most sediment in the world. In Chinese history, the Yellow River has significant influence on human civilization and it's one of the most important birthplaces of the Chinese nation, so Chinese people call it the "Mother River".

  黄河(the Yellow River)为中国第二大长河,也是世界著名的长河之一。黄河流经九个省区,在中国北方蜿蜒流动。从髙空俯瞰,它非常像一个巨大的“几”字,又隐约像是我们民族那独一无二的图腾(totem)—龙。由于河流中段流经中国黄土高原(Loess Plateau)地区,因此夹带了大世的泥沙(sediment),所以它也被认为是世界上含沙量最多的河流。在中国历史上,黄河给人类文明带来很大的影响,是中华民族最主要的发祥地之一,因此中国人称其为“母亲河”。

  黄河的英语作文 篇7

  As a river that pregnant the children of the Chinese, it is happiness; as a river that has changed over the years, it is fortunate; but as a bloody, it is sorrowful. The mother of the Chinese nation - the Yellow River, deeply loves her Chinese children, their laughter, every cry, she looks in the eyes, but with the development of society, we will repay the mother is a drop of blood Tears. Every time our destruction is to meet selfish self, every repair, it is for the next bigger damage.

  We live in a natural environment that repairs, but we are in a nature that is full of scars, we are indifferent. In the face of human being ruthless, the nature that has not been refreshed is as gray: we cut down trees, emissions sewage, release smoke ... Nature's cry, we can't see it, its help us can't hear, see It is just the endless wealth of nature, and he heard is just the evil sound of the environment. A drip bitter tears flow into the arms of the Yellow River mother, they can't wait to flow, it seems that I want to tell my mother to the grievances as soon as possible. But now, it is just a night, maybe after a few years, nature will retrieve us in a unusless way, come to the pain of our happiness in others. Wrong to punish. Although it could not express the inner grief, it could not use a look, even a move to express its heartbeat, but it used to drop the tears we did wrong, it used hug to tell the mother it was hurt. It will also be discharged with time, and the environment and conditions of survival are also discharged. In the face of the cry of nature, I face the tears with blood in nature, how can we endure it to continue to hurt?

  These are caused by our human beings, and we should be punished accordingly. Next, we have to take care of nature to make up for the mistakes we committed in the past, so that the blood of the tears will never appear.

  黄河的英语作文 篇8

  For thousands of years, the sediment-rich Yellow River has underpinned the prosperity of the Chinese heartland.


  But increased demand for water by people and industry now threaten to run the river dry.


  And the source of its fertility, the Loess Plateau, is also under threat. Loosened by cultivation, its soft soil is blowing away.


  The North China Plain is choked with dust storms that even loom over Beijing, so much so that the Chinese government has made improving the city's air quality a priority in the run up to the Beijing Olympics.


  Heartland China's life-support system is in trouble. Yet in a few places it's still possible to find landscapes that appear to have remained untouched.



