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  In today's society, everywhere is full of competition. Competition seems to have become an indispensable part of our life. However, only rely on a person's competition, as if it feels a bit like a egg shot stone? So, in this case, also gives rise to another - cooperation relationship.

  The great thinker Marx, he is studying to overthrow capitalism, make mankind into a more ideal society, but only he a man is not enough, another name is brushed in Delhi. Engels person to help him with his studies this theory, and is called "scientific socialism". Their success is not complete cooperation with? If is a person, or is not so much.

  An American successful people said: "there are no eternal friends, nor permanent enemies." In other words right. Second year are very good friends, are likely to be enemies under certain factors, after all the money, the temptation of fame and wealth is great, we cannot guarantee can be loyal to your friends. More likely, the only friend appearance. Is the same as the enemy, we have permanent enemies, like cotton examination, the examination room, we are competitive opponent, who also won't give up his studies because of the what relation. But, in the usual learning, we study together and help each other, is the friend is cooperation, we have no choice. Living in this society, will be born competition, only the strong survive, also tells us a truth, do give us the full preparation, suddenly competition gives us the opportunity to performance. We will cooperation town, to be a win-win, only in this way, we can sound wrong, to qualify for the competition.

  Competition and cooperation seem very far away, in fact they are closely necklace, we want to seek cooperation in competition, competition in the cooperation. Man is not everything. There's mastercard & if the hare carried the tortoise runs, the turtle rabbit back across the river, then the result is not only the tortoise rabbit any result so simple. That is to say, we have to put his own shortcomings and combining the strengths of others, others' shortcomings with their own advantages to make up for, the sample, we did a win-win situation!






  Human beings come from? The age-old question of one thousand to confusion in people's hearts. For a long time, both the east and the west, all believe in the myth that god created human beings, the knowledge of god's children. The first public say "no" to this myth is British Darwin. He declared: man is not god created, human is the product of biological evolution.

  Competition is made man!

  The generation and development history of human, is a bloody history, full of competition. But competition is not enough, more important is to have a cooperation. Want to know, hurt people as premise, competition should step to improve together for the principle. Cooperation is indispensable to human survival and life a way. Throughout ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, every person to succeed in business is not good at cooperation model?

  Today, we can make cooperation and competition, cooperation, so competition is the competition without cooperation. Sometimes, our competition is also a partner, if you want to accomplish something big, must rely on the joint efforts of everyone.

  Maybe you will say, now is the 21st century, is a competitive society, really can work together? Although we are now in the 21st century is full of competition, but competition without cooperation, the survival of today we will be scarred.

  You must have heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. You know why the tortoise finally win? This is the result of the turtle persistent efforts. Is now in this story has been changed to "the turtle rabbit win-win theory", is the turtle rabbit mutual cooperation, on land is the tortoise rabbit ran to the river, the turtle carry a rabbit in the river to the other shore, this is "win-win". And the essence of the win-win cooperation and cooperation between each other and with the competition.

  A person is good at cooperation, often have team spirit, this spirit is very valuable. Cooperation is the necessary means of survival, competition is one of the indispensable part. Competition for social development of fast, it is the commitment of each country must be among them, and cooperation have let these countries common progress and common development.

  Friends, devoted himself to the fate of the competition is we can't escape don't let us use passion to meet her. Cooperation and competition are interdependent, let us go ahead in the competition and cooperation.










